1. "If you love it so much, why don't you marry it?"
2. "No sh*t, Sherlock" meant, "Yeah, I know."
"F*ck off, Watson!" was the reply to the above phrase.

4. "Jinx! Buy me a Coke!" was said when you and a friend said the exact same thing at the exact same moment. There was an entire song and dance that followed this line. We learned it from a 1984 episode of Saturday Night Live, but I couldn't locate the video anywhere. Coke even used the line as the premise for one of their Super Bowl ads.
5. "I know you are, but what am I?" Pee Wee Herman loved this line!
6. "Say it don't spray it! Give me the news, not the weather!" was what we said if someone spit while speaking.
7. "Take a picture, it'll last longer" is what we said when someone appeared to be staring.
Purchase the "No Shit, Sherlock" shirt here.
Even though I didn't grow up in the 80's I say those quotes all of the time! I sing "Say it don't spray it, I want the news not the weather" instead of "give me the news not weather" just for the fact that I love the movie 2Gether. Haha!
haha... there mustve been some carry over into the 90's coz i remember saying some of this when i was a youngen...
Interesting. I can't remember any coz I wasn't even born then... LOL
I have heard Jinx though!
Have a good day...:)
I love the first one and I still use it occassionally :-)
Hubby said that last week.
He also said, "Gag me with a ghetto blaster."
I had to remind him that it was, "Gag me with a spoon."
I still say no shit sherlock all the time
hmmm...here are two I can think of.
Dude, you are soooo MINT!
Do bees bee? Do bears bear? (moonlighting)
How about...
'Takes one to know one'
but this might be from the 70's.
My KIDS say "Jinx! You owe me a Coke"---and they mean it! Never heard the Watson reply before. And my husband tells me to take a picture, it'll last longer ALL. THE. TIME!
What about "Take a chill pill", or was that in the '90's?
OMG..memory lane it is..I used all of them ..I still like no shit sherlock..and I remember pee wee using that in his weekly show..we used to love it..me and the kids..my daughter was afraid of the squirrel in the beginning..she would run away..!
I'm guilty, well WAS guilty, of using #5 the most.
Pee Wee employed a few of those disses (besides #5, #1 and #7 as well) in the best movie ever - Pee Wee's Big Adventure.
Most of those resonate with me... how about slug bugs? And lots of valley girsl talk , like fer sure... gag me with a spoon, totally tubular... etc.
I absolutely had forgotten about "Smooth move, Exlax." Guess what is going to be used far too much in my house now...
How about "Excuse me for living but the graveyard's full!" My mom STILL says that one all the time.
Uh, ya....I still say most of those. No shit Sherlock, I'm a dork. Gag me with a spoon. And for the record, Pee Wee RULES.
I do remember these but darn, don't have any to add.
I read this earlier but had to come back to read the comments.
LOVE it!
Oh crap!
Not that this makes me feel old or anything. But I remember saying those very same things in the '50s.
I still say those lines. I don't they'll ever die.
These were funny!
I think that "I know you are, but what am I?" was from the '70s... the others are mostly unfamiliar to me.
From the '70s, we said:
"Up your nose with a rubber hose"
"Sit on it"
"What's Happinin'?"
"Right Arm/Farm Out/Outta State" (making fun of "Right On, Far Out and Out of Sight)
"Pop a Wheelie"
...many more, I'm sure. They probably all start to bleed together over the decades.
I still say "No shit Sherlock." I hate finding out that there was an expiration date on these things.
I love 'i know you are but what am i?'. 'so's your face' works just as well. i went through a 'your mum' phase too. this phase may not have ended yet...
Not sure if it was the 80's or 90's but around here they say 'door knob' every time someone passes gas around here. Of course it's just another reason for them to hit on each other...
I never knew there was a witty reply to "No sh*t, Sherlock!" Wish I had.
Love your #3, too!
Oh my goodness I am guilty of all of these! Eek!
My kids still use the line, "I know you are, but what am I?" And I still use the phrase, "Take a picture...it'll last longer." Ah, the '80s. Thanks for the trip down memory lane!
"Step on a crack, you break your momma's back. Step on a line, you're frankenstein." Oy, that was probably the lovely sentiment of the 70's.
I watched that new Sherlock Holmes movie last weekend, and thought it would have been funny if Jude Law slipped in a "No sh*t Sherlock" somewhere in the film.
i remember nothing from the 80s. except for my monchichi doll. no. i wasn't high.
I'm soooo sure, Kimberly. The 80s called and they want their hair products back. ;-)
I used to say that jinx Coke thing alllll the time. I still say "No shirt, shitlock." Okay, I'm off like a prom dress....
I had totally forgotten many of those old sayings...I say it's time we bring 'em back (but not Pee Wee!).
I don't remember ever talking slang back then. I have this memory of a boy in grade school joking around and saying "save gas,fart in a jar." and being grossed out by that. Maybe it was the late 70s.
Okay I am dying right now because I kid you not my 5 year old just said #1 to her sister last night when she said she loved her dinner! My hubby had never heard it before but I was rolling on the floor. And when my oldest said she made it up I quickly corrected her, it has been around long before she was even a glimmer in my eye! Hehehehehehehehe
I'm so sad that I missed the live Pee Wee show when it came out to Cali.... I've heard great things about it! Are you going to see it? Talk about an 80's icon!
I still say so many of those things!!
Also, "Hey is for horses!"
Oh the time I have spent explaining these phrases to my 10 year old who always tells me "Cool people don't say that!"
I'm rubber, you're glue, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you.
Shut don't go up,prices do, so take my advice and you shut up too.
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