Monday, April 26, 2010

Retro Photo From Our Wedding

For whatever reason when people get married these days, they often like to capture fun imagery of themselves as children. When planning out our wedding video and other details, I found two photos of us at about the same age. My Mother-in-Law says hubs is actually a year younger than me in the photo, which is okay. I love my younger boys. He's three years younger than me. My high school boyfriend was one year younger than me and my college boyfriend, two years younger. Strange progression now that I think about it. Basically all men born in 1972 were just bad eggs, I guess.

So here we are. 

Funny trivia tidbit: 
On my wedding website, I had these images along with current pictures of us. A woman commented or emailed me, I forget... asking if "they" were my children. Odd, the photo looks rather '70s to me. That would make me my parents age. Do I look 60ish? Geez.


Krista said...

I'm visiting from Teaching 4th grade. I think whoever asked if those were your children must have been smokin' somethin' because yeah - totally 70's. But I'm amazed yours still have color - mine have faded to a nice orange.

Ms. A said...

I think a composite of what your kids would look like, is in order.

Anonymous said...

I love photos from the past! I found you from blog hopping. :) Nice to meet you!

Morgan said...

So adorable!

Lisa said...

How adorable!!! :O)

Veronica Lee said...

How adorable!! Love the photos.

Happy Monday!

Cheeseboy said...

That is pretty sweet and adorable. When I compare my wife's pictures and mine when we were kids, we look a lot alike. And then I think about when my kids act really strange and I wonder if I married like a 5th cousin or something.

Tree said...

LOL Obviously the 70's..what a dweeb! I'm visiting from Teaching 4th grade too....and also in Jersey! Cool, huh?!

Anonymous said...

Yep, the pics totally look 70's... great photographs though.

Riot Kitty said...

Those are so cute! She must not have been paying attention, 'cause it's pretty obvious from the outfits and hairstyles these are a bit retro...

Although I made a bigger faux pas at work once, asking if the pics on a coworker's desk were his kids (he was in his 50s.) One of them was his son, but the other was his much younger wife!

Marlene said...

Ahhh...more vintage photos. And so cute, too!

If I were to post early pics of my hubby and I, I'd have to label them "Two geeks in a pod".

Momma Fargo said...

Absolutely love it!

Anonymous said...

The photos are lovely. Things from the past sure bring a big smile and lots of memories...:)

Copyboy said...

Doesn't have to mean you're 60. Parents today take the darndest theme photos of their kids. You should see the technology at the Sears photo dept.

Melissa said...

You two are just adorable! I love old pictures!

Kalei's Best Friend said...

Well the fact u mentioned 1972 made me feel old.. I graduated h.s. then1 lol...there's a lot of confused people in this blog world... take what that woman said w/a very small grain of salt! .lol

Amethystmoon said...

Are they your children?! hahaha Totally 70's pictures

Anonymous said...

are they your children? what the heck are people thinking! durrr

cute pictures!!! said...

You're both sooo cute, and he looks so unsuspecting!

TS Hendrik said...

You look like the Gretl from the sound of music in that pic. He just looks like he;s not sure what's going on. lol

Babes Mami said...


You should have said yes they are! I'm actually 63, don't I look great!

Liz Mays said...

Look at the two of you cuties!!! I love looking back on old school photos.

liz said...

My brother and sister-in-law did that. They scanned old school photos and had a digital picture frame on the table with their guest book.

Tiffany Kadani said...

Haha! Yes, 1972 I guess was a bad year. Thank goodness my husband was born in 1978. Whew!

Anonymous said...

How cute!!!!

Teachinfourth said...

I'd have run with it, too. Maybe I'd have added in something like, "These were the school photos I had taken of them the day before their real birth mother claimed them."

Joann Mannix said...

You guys were adorable. Oh, those cheeks of yours!

Or like The Teach, I would have said something like, "Well, they WERE mine, but now they're missing children. Have you seen them?"

Really sweet pics.

Pat Tillett said...

Very cute pics!

Salt said...

How CUTE were you both!? I love this. I wish that I had had pictures of the hubs and I as children at our wedding reception, but I conveniently left them at home when we traveled out of the country for the wedding.

He's a year and a half younger than I am. Ain't no shame. ;) (In fact, I think I only dated one guy that was older than me in all my life.)

Unknown said...

You guys are super cute!

California Keys said...

Awwww! Look how cute you two are!

Michelle Pixie said...

That is too funny that she would think those are your kids! Random! You were cute kids. =)

Kristie said...

We had a slew of old photographs of both me and Alan at our wedding reception. Alan was born in 1972 also. There is one particular photo with my Alan slumped over a station wagon in a "I'm a cool dude" sort of pose. It was very embarrassing for him (and me)!!

TILTE said...

OMG- i LUV these pictures of you two!!! i think i'm gonna do this next time i get married.


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