I absolutely adore this photo of me. It's honestly one of my very favorites.
I loved that jumper with the cute stitching on the chest. I loved that I wore a little pink birthday crown. I love that my mom is clapping wildly behind me. I love everything about this photo.
I'm turning 7. It was a great year. I didn't hate school. I didn't hate my teacher. I didn't hate the kids in my class. I don't recall anyone calling me "corroded" that year. In fact, I'm lookin' pretty cute at 7.
Another thing I loved about this photo is the "A" necklace I'm wearing. It was given to me by my Uncle Tony. He often gave me the coolest gifts from what I remember. I loved this enormous Colorforms doll house he sent me for my birthday. It was so awesome!
Hmm, now that I think of it, maybe it was his then girlfriend who was picking out all of this cool stuff. Duh! Anyway, he is my youngest uncle and my mom once told me he was secretly like her favorite little brother. Maybe that's why he's my God Father. Don't tell anyone I told you about the favorite brother thing. She'd get all mad at me for having a big mouth.
Anyway, back to the "A" necklace. I love how the "A" is sorta chunky like totally early '80s style. The reason I'm sharing this photo with you is because this necklace came to mind yesterday while I was getting my hair cut and colored at the salon.
While sitting in the chair, I noticed a girl sportin' one of those shiteous name rings. They were super popular in the late '80s growing up near the Nassau County/Queens boarder of Long Island. They usually were worn by girls with huge puffy hair, painted-on jeans and these ugly suede black boots that sometimes had fringe or other crap hanging from them.
Suddenly the ring and my necklace were all I could think about. As the stylist snipped and carefully combed, I kept my eyes focused on the mirrored reflection of the other stylist's ring. I couldn't take my eyes off it. Why was she wearing it? Did someone give it to her as a gift? Did she actually like it? When did these god-awful rings come back in style? Where have I been?

Googling the word "name ring", I was surprised to see Lauren Conrad from The Hills wearing one! I was also unaware that if the girl's name is long, the ring becomes a two-finger ring. How awful? I find it awkward just wearing my engagement and wedding ring. How does someone get anything accomplished wearing a TWO FINGER ring?
Well, thanks for letting me vent.
I'm sorry if you have a name ring on your finger right this moment. I apologize in advance for hatin' on the style. I guess it's just one of the many fads I simply don't "get."
I don't like it either, but boy that double ring thing is horrible! I feel claustrobic thinking about it!
I agree about the 2 finger ring - what the? I bet it would hurt.
Those name rings are like brass knuckles. Pure tack!
The only name rings I've seen nowadays are those whole four finger rings that the gangsta rappers wear. Does that count?
That's a great birthday picture of you Ally! I totally know what you mean about the happier times in elementary school. Once I started junior high it just went downhill, LOL! But we survived it and I'm surprised I'm still a functioning member of society. I haven't heard the word "corroded" in years! LMAO! I was called "corroded" too, amongst other mean things :(
That is a very cute picture of you! I wouldn't really want complete strangers to know my name so there's no way I'd wear one of those rings. It's bad enough to get stopped by some crazy person in Wal-Mart who feels the need to tell you everything they plan on eating in the next week but I definitely don't want them to feel like they know me by my first name. Kind of like that rusty car in the movie Cars - "Mario Andretti knows my name!" And, like you, even my wedding and engagement rings get in my way sometimes so I often take them off and only wear them when I'm going out of the house.
I never had a name ring but I will admit to a name necklace a la' Carry Bradshaw... my BFF gave it to me for my 29th b'day
I have enough trouble wearing my wedding ring. 2 fingers? Ugh.
I wonder how much work the girls on those shows really have to do. The ring might be a clue.
Cute pic!
I love love love letters and words on anything. I would wear a name ring...or a name t-shirt.
Jeremiah has two E's tattooed on his chest, right next to his heart. So hot.
Way to go, now I feel bad about the ten name rings I'm wearing and the 8 toe name rings (only eight, I'm not crazy).
Well at least she'll never forget her name!
My sister once gave me a belt buckle with my name on it for my birthday.... I never had the heart to wear it....
Did you check eBay for those rings? They could now be highly collectible and going for big bucks on eBay. You just never know.
You're adorable!
I have an Uncle Tony!
And listen sister, I am with you on with those name rings. They are kind of lame. I don't need to announce my name to everyone. WTF for?
Haha! You said shiteous. That made me laugh :)
Did you know Adam (Ad Rock) Horoviz from the Beastie Boys (who is married to Kathleen Hanna) has a "Kathleen" ring as his wedding ring? Too funny. I have a great pic of him with the ring but they wont let me post it here. I'll post it to your Facebook.
The two finger ring thing seems awful. I hate wearing regular rings as it is--they feel constricting. And tacky!
Too many men would try to pick me up if I wore one. XD
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