Thursday, April 24, 1986
It snowed yesterday but all melted.
I got an 85 on my science project. The fair was yesterday.
Friday April 25, 1986
Today was Sean's surprise party.
Saturday, April 26, 1986
Today was Danny's suprise party at Tricia's house. Her mom said the word "bullshit" while yelling about the mess in the basement. It was funny. [I totally remember this! Wow!] Jose's cousin Poucho was there, He's from Spain! I got my book from from St. Agnes. [That's where I attended 9th grade the next year]
The famous Danny from nearly all of my entries.
Sunday, April 27, 1986
Today was so fun. Kathy came over for my confirmation party. [Ha ha, I just blogged about this the other day - how I wished I had a Bat Mitzvah!] She is so nice. I miss her. I mean we used to be best pals. Serena didn't come. To tell you the truth, I wasn't expecting her. It was good. I made a total of $240 and a dove necklace.
Kathy and I hung out together and put up balloons and stuff. I bit five of my nails - I'm so mad. [I was never able to grow my nails until the age of 19. I always bit them!] I fooled all of my relatives. I wore tight black leggins and an over-sized shirt so I look 15 lbs lighter. All I heard was, "Are you dieting?" and "keep up the good work!" It was sorta sad because all I've lost is 8 lbs and I probably gained it all back today. [I've been dieting, working out and back and forth to Weight Watchers for as long as I can remember, my diary entries are proof!]

I hate school so much. It was about 78 degrees today. I wore shorts after school!
The new song by Madonna is on. "Live To Tell."
I called Danny.
My hair looks nice today.
Mr. C was a sub today. Both nuns were out today. It was great! I don't want to go tomorrow. I have gym with Ms. P
I can't wait for our class trip
I hate Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sundays.
So cool!!! wish I had some record of EXACTLY what I was thinking and feeling back in my younger years!
And just between you and me... I cheat all the time to look skinnier than I really am!
Your old friend kind of reminds me of the brother from the original Freaky Friday movie.
@Darrin - thanks! Aww, and I like that you cheat to look thinner too :)
@TS - He was making a funny face, I bet he was singing and we were in costume - it was my Halloween b'day party in 8th grade.
Can I just tell you how much I enjoy your blog. Your stories, your diaries...everything...It's such a joy to me when I see in my blog list that you have an update.
It's sad to hear you speak about your weight. You were just a kid! In past posts too you've mentioned you were fat. It must have really been a big issue in your life and I'm sorry it caused you so much unhappiness. If it's any consolation, my sons were small and thin and that wasn't always easy for them either. My oldest son weighed less than 100 pounds when he graduated from high school. (He grew and gained weight in college.)
"Live to Tell" had a great video!!! I love that you share these diary entries with us. I am even more impressed that you still have your diaries!
@Ian you are too sweet!
@Betty I have always been overweight but really packed on the pounds after I turned 13. The funny thing is I remember weighing 130 in 8th grade and my mom telling me if I never gained another pound that by the time I was older I would be a normal size. If only I had listened to her!
@Lisa I remember loving Madonna back in those days! I'm no longer a fan of the newer non-80s stuff. I thank you for reading :)
I love reading your entries, too...and the weight stuff made me kinda sad. Sorry you had to go through that.
Can't wait to read more of your blog! It's so fun.
Your entries bring back a lot of memories for me. I loved that Madonna song!
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