Thursday, June 24, 2010

Lipton Cup-a-Soup or Noodle Soup

Whenever we were under the weather, Mom served up piping hot bowls or cups of instant Lipton Cup-a-Soup or Giggle Noodle soups. She now jokes that today she wouldn't feel comfortable serving us instant soups knowing the high sodium levels, but back in the 1970s and 80s, it was acceptable.

That red box with the Lipton logo meant everything was gonna be alright. My ailing tummy or stuffy nose would magically feel some sort of relief after just a few sips of that yellow, chicken-flavored water and fake thin noodles. Years later, in college, 50 cent Ramen noodles took the place of Lipton as a college dorm room staple.

What magical treat did your folks fix for you when you were illin'?


Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

When I lived in Europe my family would go on these 'volksmarches' where you walked five or ten km and you got a really nice medal for finishing. At ever station in the winter, they had chicken broth for you to drink. I loved that stuff.

Then as I got older I found those coffee machines that dispensed the best cup of chicken broth ever.

I love me some cup-a-soup. It was omething else tucked alway in my special desk drawer when I taught.

When I could feel that the litte germ factories that I was educating were passing their grubby germs onto me that was the first thing I reached for.

Man, you are hitting all the best stuff this week girl. Memorypalooza for me.

Marlene said...

My mom had her famous home-made chicken soup whenever we were sick. I'm craving it. I did learn to make it - but haven't made it in eons.

Cheeseboy said...

SO MUCH better than Raman. Always been a fan.

Heather Taylor said...

Campbell's chicken noodle soup was my very favorite when I was little. If anyone ate my soup, I got really angry.

Pat Tillett said...

I used to love that stuff. Even if you found a box in the back of the cupboard that was years old, it was still good...

Ms. A said...

Loved it, loved Ramen and still keep Ramen around for the grandkids.

TS Hendrik said...

never ate the fake stuff. My mom always made her own soups. It carried over to me cause I make the best soups.

Kalei's Best Friend said...

I agree w/TS, never had it either.. My son loves Ramen which is the worst.. Its so easy to make Ramen from scratch- its not rocket science. Use real broth, add your noodles and the rest is a no brainer. Chicken soup from scratch is easy- poach your chicken and while its poaching add your veggies, noodles , shred the chicken in the pot ... I watched a friend make her soup that way- so simple.

Liz Mays said...

I still love Lipton noodle soup when I don't feel good!

mamahasspoken said...

Lipton cup a soup was my dorm main stay! We weren't allowed to cook in our rooms but we had hot water (this was before microwaves).

Joe Cap said...

I remember Cuppa Soup.
I know it is cliched, but when you don't feel good, hot chicken soup really DOES make me feel better.

Anonymous said...

Mmm I still love cup-a-soup, despite all the sodium. I am more environmentally conscious now and get the packets and use my own cup.

When I had a sore throat my mom used to make me a glass of honey and lemon. I would totally fake that sh*t just for it.

AngeliStarr said...

My mom still buys these. And Im forced to take them when she doesnt cook or cooks something I dont eat. -_- the life of a "picky eater"

Unknown said...

My mom use to give that to us too....and I'll admit, the last time I was sick, I made Chris go out and buy me some so I could eat it some!!

Grace said...

Oh yeah, love the Lipton Noodle Soup. My mom always cooked it up for me too when I was sick. Maybe that's why the only soup I can cook now comes from a packet.

Babes Mami said...

I've never heard of this one! Just Ramen, it's 10/$10 down here.

Sadako said...

I didn't regularly eat either of these. I did have a dream that I was going to eat this other kind of pasta that I think is from Lipton's that you nuke in a microwave. And it's chicken/broccoli flavored. Yum!

BigSis said...

It was always cup of soup and ginger ale when we were sick! said...

Aah yes, Lipton soup and Ramen noodles. I grew up on that stuff. Did you ever mix the Lipton with sour cream for a dip, Ally? That was the best.

sara said...

With my mom it was always egg nog. Some magical concoction of eggs, milk, sugar, vanilla and who knows what else that was foamy and frothy and delicious. i want one...

Salt said...

I LOVED Cup a Soup!! Still do! Although I swear the old version tasted better than what they make now.

The mad woman behind the blog said...

My mom used to fix us warm vanilla milk (milk, vanilla and sugar.)

Loving all of these!

BTW, I linked you on my blog today.

Bossy Betty said...

Oh yeah! I used to love these things! Now that's real cookin'!

pika23 said...

Tea with lots of sugar...and toast loaded with margerine... now when I'm sick my hubby makes me some chicken or beef boullion

Katherine said...

Ramen noodles were absolutely my college staple. I purchased a huge box at Costco, and then ate it every day for over six months. I haven't been able to eat it since.

liz said...

I don't like chicken in my soup, so I always preferred the dry stuff that I needed to add water.

JennAventures said...

Lipton always improves my day when I am (cough cough) sick!

Copyboy said...

Chicken noodle was good, but it was no cream of mushroom. Though that doesn't hold a candle to the creamy onion dip. Delish. Oh, and Ramen was pretty boss. Hey, I said Boss. Funny.

Kristie said...

My Mom always made Campbells Chicken Noodle Soup. I always asked for Kraft Macaroni and Cheese, but my Mom said that soup was better because you aren't supposed to have dairy products when you have a fever...
Kraft Macaroni and Cheese PLEASE!

MWalker said...

I love instant noodles...Liptons and Ramen. I'm going to have to go and make some, LOL.

Macey said...

Hahaha! Up until recently, my hubs took these to work still!

Jules said...

Ah…good old Lipton soup! My mom always gave me the traditional Campbell’s chicken noodle and it gave me the feeling that I was on the mend too. I remember in the 80’s we didn’t worry much about sodium ;) To this day I make a nice mug of Lipton soup when the mood strikes me.

Anonymous said...

Hello Miss Ally. My mum gave me Luden's cough drops whenever I had a stomach thing. I love the Luden's.

LaraAnn said...

My brother and I did get the Lipton chicken noodle soup mostly when we were sick. We liked when she made us Campbells tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches.


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