Sunday, April 18, 2010

Weekend Retro Rewind Featuring Bananarama

Welcome to the third installment of Weekend Retro Rewind.

One of my favorite movies of 1984 was Karate Kid and no I'm not happy to hear there is a remake happening soon. I like the originator, not the imitator. (Like that? It's the tag line from an old Long Island radio station.)

Anyway, the song is by Bananarama and it's "Cruel Summer" -- anyone remember it? I was really bummed when I bought the Karate Kid soundtrack tape (yes tape, it was 1984!) and this song was mysteriously missing from the soundtrack album. Not cool Bananarama, not cool.

Stressful Karate Kid School Scenes (my favorite because Liz Shue says, "Ali with an "I"' and I was always, "Ally with a Y." Blogged about that before.)
*note the dialog is in Spanish because the US version had the audio removed due to copyright issues.

Real Bananarama Video


Morgan said...

Cruel Summer is an excellent song! I always think of The Karate Kid when I hear it. Good stuff! Have you seen the trailer for the remake? Piece of crap. Lol.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE that song!

and I have to tell my husband " I like the originator, not the imitator," he would love it. :-)

Alison said...

Ali with an 'i' makes Alison with one one 'l' and an 'i' smile.

Copyboy said...

Cruel summer is good, but I was more into Venus. I liked their costumes in the video more.

Babes Mami said...

This is the first one since joining you that I have NO IDEA what the eff you are talking about! I do know Karate Kid but I didn't realize that was 1984 and since you always talk about how OOLLLLLLDDD you are here is a fun little tidbit to torture...I was BORN in 1984 Mwhaaahahahahaha! ;]

MoonDoggie said...

I loved Bananarama but don't know this song very well. It obviously wasn't on my Bananarama WOW cassette which is all I had.

I remember the Karate Kid craze but always had to sit a little bit on the sidelines with it because I *gasp* hadn't seen it yet (I blame it on having a betamax in a small town that only dealt in VHS). When I finally caught it on TV I was thrilled that the main characters were called Alison and Daniel - I too, am an Ali with an i (though I thought -lly was far more cool) and my crush at the time was an unwitting boy called Daniel.

Ms. A said...

I remember the song, but not the video.

Powdered Toast Man said...

I was born in 84 too! I sort of remember that song, I do like it, it's catchy.

Did you realize that the Karate Kid clip you put up is the spanish version?

Anonymous said...

I liked this very much. Though, its the first time I am hearing it... LOL
The video's really simple. Not like the ones that come nowadays!

Have a good day!:)

liz said...

Aah, Karate Kid! I remember going to a White Sox game when I was younger. My dad got skybox tickets and Mr. Meogi (no clue on spelling) threw out the first pitch, then he came up to the sky box level and my brother asked him for his autograph.

mamahasspoken said...

Oh I remember that song. Had my first son in 84 and when you are feeding at 4 o'clock in the morning the only thing on tv was MTV and this video. I remember Karate Kid too and agree, remakes of classic films aren't classic...

Bossy Betty said...

Loved the first Karate Kid! They should have stopped there....

Adoption of Jane said...

Gurl you had me at Bananarama I am definitely following your blog!

Cheeseboy said...
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Cheeseboy said...

How could I NOT comment on a Karate Kid post?! Only the greatest movie in the 80's!

Ah Elizabeth Shue, where have you gone?

Anyway, great post. Loved the song and still do. It hasn't really aged. Funny, I just posted on the Karate Kid like a month ago:

Anonymous said...

I hate when they do remakes of movies!!!

I love Elizabeth Shue! Especially in Adventures in Babysitting!

Anonymous said...

I know this song. We have a bar downtown that does an 80's night. They always play Bananarama. I wonder if they still play.

Melissa Lynn Shell said...

I have something for you

The mad woman behind the blog said...

I SO love that song. Used to sit on the roof of my garage and tan while watching the cruisers on the main drag.

How I love the summer and how this song takes me back.

Thanks for the rewind!

California Keys said...

One of my most favorite movies ever!

You may not have the Bananarama song, but 'You're the Best' is on there, right?

I love that song! It's my favorite treadmill song.... You're the best! Around! Nothing's ever gonna keep you down!

Teachinfourth said...

I have to be honest. I used to have the biggest crush on Elizabeth Shue. In fact, I'd still be willing to date her.

I still find myself listening to 'You're the Best' by Joe Esposito.


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