Tuesday, September 13, 2011

1980s Gatorgum Gatorade Gum

Gatorgum was salty, sour & oddly delicious to me.
When I was a kid my dad was really into jogging and fitness. Today he's in his early 60s and still walks the park every morning. After going for a run, Dad would sometimes chug the original orange flavored Gatorade thirst quenching sports drink. I, of course, had to try Gatorade and I remember thinking it wasn't bad. It reminded me of Tang.

Soon I began seeing packages of Gatorgum around our house. I recognized the logo from the Gatorade sports drink Dad liked. Gatorade introduced Gatorgum around 1976 and this was probably 1979. Sure Gatorgum didn't taste as delicious as Bubble Burger or as sweet as Hubba Bubba -- but I still enjoyed it. In fact, I remember the taste like it was yesterday.

Gatorade gum or Gatorgum was neon yellow in color and had a citrus, salty and sour flavor and I sure would love a piece right now! Unfortunately, I'm shit out of luck. By early 2000, Gatorade discontinued making Gatorgum

View an old Gatorgum commercial from the 1980s - the gum from Gatorade!


Unknown said...

I feel like I can taste it in my mouth right now!

Lawfrog said...

I loved that gum! Haven't thought about it forever.

alicia said...

i totally agree with kelley - it had such a distinct flavour that it's hard to forget!

Copyboy said...

Gator gum was my fave to look at as a kid. Never had it. I honestly thought the juice was in it somehow. BTW...blue Gator is the best for a hangover. Oh and double BTW...made you blog of the day.

Unknown said...

I can taste it too! lol! That brought back some memories...

Ms. A said...

I don't have any of that laying around. LOL!

Anonymous said...

I haven't tried this brand of gum. From what I am reading it doesn't sound like it would be something I would delight in.

Marlene said...

Ewwww...I HATED gatorade gum! LOL!

And I laughed my arse off at your comment on my blog today. Thanks for that!

C said...

I remember gatorgum, but I don't think I ever had any. They have some generic versions of this gum at our local sports store. I wonder if it tastes the same.

Unknown said...

That was the best gum ever
..i would love a piece right now!!! Please bring it back! I promise to be a loyal customer! Why did u take my love away?????


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