Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Corey Feldman Hints of Goonies Sequel

If you've been following FourthGradeNothing.com for a while, you know how much I adore Corey Feldman and The Goonies. Yesterday, reports surfaced that yes, indeed a Goonies sequel is in the works, according to Corey Feldman.

Blogs state that The Goonies sequel can go one of several ways and here's how I feel about it.

Goonies - The Broadway Musical
WTF? No! I'm so sick of all the hype that High School Musical started several years ago. These days all we hear about is Glee and new offbeat musicals. I will just cry if they turn The Goonies into a Broadway show. I can see it now, Chunk and Sloth gettin' down with Baby Ruths in-hand rocking along doing the Truffle Shuffle. No! This is just so wrong. 

Goonies - With New Kids & New Adventures
Oh no, not another Karate Kid remake. I can't take it. I am not behind this idea at all. I don't want to see Zac Efron as Mikey's older brother "Brand" and Dakato Fanning as Steph. It just seems so unnatural to me. I can just picture Miley Cyrus covering Cyndi Lauper's "Goonies R Good Enough" song. Please make it stop!

Goonies - Reuniting The Original Cast
Now we're talking! Bring it! I would love to see the original crew back for another adventure or even in the role of parents telling the story to their kids. Anything, but the above two sequel options would make me so happy. There was a time I adored Sean Astin. I only mentioned him in my summer 1985 diaries like a billion times. Today he no longer does it for me, but in my mind he will always be the one and only Mikey Walsh, asthmatic inhaler and all.


Melanie's Randomness said...

They'll probably do the kids of the original cast & then IF were all lucky they'll show one or two of the original people. I'd love to see Chunk older & Shortround! Here's hoping!!

I agree a musical would be a disaster!!

Melanie's Randomness

Ali said...

Shit, if it'll bring Kerri Green out of the woodwork, I'm all for it.

Big Fat Gini said...

I agree. I would much rather have the original cast make a few appearances. Did you see that there's a Scream 4 coming out?

Pat Tillett said...

I'm with you! Same cast or not at all...
of course that means they'll use a new cast!

Pandorah's Box said...

I LOVE Corey Feldman! I just made my man watch The Goonies for the first time a few days ago.

I love it. I dont want a sequel though, it could ruin the awesomeness of it all.


Jenn said...

I love The Goonies and I too will be upset if they do a Broadway Musical or have the sequel with different kids. I hate ANY sequel that doesn't honor the original cast. It's just not the same! But, I like the idea of reuniting the cast for a new movie...that'd be cool! :)

Anonymous said...

I agree with you, no to the musical and the remake!

NancyLove said...

I LOVE THE GOONIES!!! <3 <3 Hahaha I can totally picture Sloth and Chunk singing with Baby Ruths in their hands!!! lol I really hope they don't make a musical out of it.... it's like when they make Movies out of books... it just doesn't go and ruins the whole perspective of the characters in ones eyes. <3

Marnie said...

I hope they reunite the original cast! That would be the best choice.

Goodnight moon said...

Okay...you and are share the same soul! I love the Goonies too. I am always going around the house saying to my kids..."hey you guuuuuuuys". Of course I own the movie and have to watch it for the sake of my children to know and apprecaite the movie as much as I do.

Why don't they let us come up with the ideas for remakes? Seriously...I love the your idea of the orginal cast retelling the story to their kids!

The Random Blogette said...

I love The Goonies too but is this really necessary? A musical would just be ridiculous! I really hope that this doesn't happen. I am thinking that maybe Mr. Feldman is just trying to get his name out there again.

Anonymous said...

I'd KILL to see a Goonies follow-up.
Though not as much as I'd kill to see Josh Brolin at my door right now.

Seriously... They should have totally sequelized this back in the day. Could have been such a fun series of movies. I'm ready for a new one

Copyboy said...

I think the last one is the best!!! Wow! Be interested to see Brolin along for the ride.

Christopher said...

I get the feeling that this won't work at all...

Riot Kitty said...

I never saw it! Like just about all sequels, though, the original cast is crucial to making it a decent movie.

Cheeseboy said...

Can Sean Astin be a Goony again? I thought he either played for Notre Dame or become a hobbit.

I am with you though. Bring back the original cast!

Blast from the Past said...

Can't say that I was ever into the Goonies... a little past my time. I love your enthusiasm for the show and for Corey.

I will chime in and agree with the comments that it's best to use the originals whenever doing any type of a production of an old show. I hope that it works out the best for you!

Jill said...

I too have heard sequel speculation. I vote for option three like you. I loved (loved,loved,loved) Corey Feldman. Did you ever see his movie Dream a Little Dream?

Amber Von Felts said...

WOW! Whatta response! I see that a lot of you guys love the Goonies like me! We used to act out the scenes of the movie over and over again. I'm tentative about a sequel...its sacred ground. I don't want them to eff it up! I would however like to see Sloth in present day. Maybe he's an investment banker now, with a wife and kids. Ahahaha!!!

baygirl32 said...

goonies with the old cast... OMG is there a petition we can sign?

Maggi said...

Ack, I'm so tired of people remaking my childhood! lol

Morgan said...

I so hope they reunite the original cast for another film. Fingers crossed!!!

Powdered Toast Man said...

I agree with you on this one. Sequels only work with the original cast. I would pay good money to see a Goonies sequel.

Teachinfourth said...

I'd heard that Fieldman was pushing for this - and has been for several years.

I don't know how I'd feel about it...


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