Remember Audra Levi & Kids Beat?
The other day, Jesse at asked me if I remembered Kids Beat and Audra Levi. At first I was slightly confused, but a search on YouTube brought it all right back to me.In 1983 (one of my most favorite years) TBS began airing teen and tween-produced short news bits during their morning TV show lineup. The news topics were kid-friendly which was important as it held our interest. The one thing that sorta got on my nerves though was the super peppy, kinda Jappy Audra Levi. Some wonder if she went by the name "Audra Lee" although maybe because of her hyper intonation "Levi" sounded like "Lee"? Whatever. She was a tad annoying.
I don't think it was Audra's fault. Hey, if I was a kid doing a weekly TV news broadcast, I'd be hyper and excited as well. I too was a child journalist, only I was behind the scenes doing kids reporting for New York Newsday? I would have killed to be on TV like Audra. So yeah, I think she was just too "into" it or something, you be the judge.
Audra "Lee" Levi Today

Audra went on to do production work on TV shows including Mad About You, JAG and King of Queens, So... stalker that I am... I found Audra on Facebook but don't worry I won't try to add her. I just thought it was cool and it kinda reminded me of this blog post I did a while back about celebs becoming regular people.
thanks for the creds, but major props to you for finding all of that stuff out about her. You are a true reporter. :)
Don't remember this, but since she worked on King of Queens, she is cool in my book. That show was superb.
I missed this one! I was born in '83!
I was born too late for this as well.. but that was one scary ass clown in the commercial.
I love Mad About You and King of Queens, not a fan of Jag though.
I had no clue until I watched that clip. LMAO. Way too peppy for me. I remember her voice.
She jumped an octave there at the end. So, you are going to be sickened by me when I say that Audra & I - apparently - are sorority sisters. Eek!
I don't remember that at all!
I love you reader comments! Hilarious!
Don't remember her. But looks like she actually did something with her life. Good for her!
I think I feel old, suddenly.
Ha I was born in 89', I'm familiar with most of the music from these years but not the TV show. Most of my show memories fall to things like Power Rangers and Jackie Chan Adventures. :)
Love your blog! -Lindz
I have no idea who this chick is. Just commenting so you know that I don't!
I loved that show, but I can't really remember who she was. Shoot!
But you did remind me about Circus Fun cereal! I LOVED CIRCUS FUN CEREAL! If I tried to eat it now, I would probably gag, but it was so delicious back then.
It should have been outside my time frame but thanks to my siblings I remember it. Vaguely, but still. Absolutely no recollection of her though. Still, very interesting stuff.
I don't remember Kids Beat. Though that might be slightly before my time.
That always fascinates me to see a child star that doesn't go crazy and do drugs and ruin his/her life. Go Audra. LOL.
Yeah I am with you on the anti-sororities thing. I guess I am just anti social though.
Didn't remember her until the clip. Now I remember hating the way she said THAT line in particular.
OMG, I didn't remember that until I saw the clip. Weird.
yes, I remember Kids Beat! My late grandma would make fun of Audra sooo much! Right after the segment my grandma would do this high pitched nasally voice and screech KIDS BEAT!
Never heard of the show...I was too littel...I will have to ask my sister if she heard of it.
Oooh you certainly jogged a few memories here
I don't remember this one. I'll bet my husband aka Computer Brain does though.
i used to love this.
LOL. Sounds like she turned out human. I don't know why I prejudge every child star. I use the term star loosely. She looks lovely. What a back and forth comment on her. :)
I was too busy getting married to remember her at all. sigh...
i do remember this! but completely forgot about it.
I swear this to ye upon pain of death: I did not watch the YouTube video link in this post, I only saw the title of it. Now then. Ahem:
It's Circus Fun for everyone
and you're gonna wanna
come try 'em!
For horses and hoops,
balls and bears,
elephants and lions!
Eh? Eh? How many times must I have seen, or how horribly catchy was, that ad for me to remember it 20 years later?
Also, if you don't already know of it, you should check out I think you'll love it. Be careful, though, because it makes time speed up, and you look at the clock after like 20 minutes and see that 4 hours are gone.
I vaguely remember Kids Beat.... Why isn't TV as good as it used to be?
i remember Audra Levi (and Kid's Beat). we went to high school together. she was teased a lot because of the kid's beat thing & for the fact that she was smart & nerdy; but most "smart & nerdy" kids grow up to be successful, right? good for her!
Yeah gawd... the research of my memories of the hyper annoying Kids Beat reporter has led me to your page. Back in the old-school days of TBS, my dad and I couldn't stand her.
In hindsight, it appears that she loved her reporting job, but I can imagine that she was forced to really ham it up by the producers or whoever was pulling the strings behind the scenes.
Anyway, yeah, nice that she was able to grow up and work in the entertainment business and not become to some child star casualty.
I remember kids beat :) good ol days... *sigh* to be a kid again watchin cartoons from the day, lil rascals, n three stooges... I miss those days. Kids beat was kool though I thought! Good for her, I always wanted to be on tv haha
Holy hell. I was about 9 or 10 when my mom and I used to mock poor Audra mercilessly. She was pretty annoying. Thanks for the "Where Are They Now?" moment!
Wow, I haven't thought about that in a looong time. Audra and I went to elem, middle, and high school together. We sang in many choirs together, including our "Glee"-esque show choir in HS. Good times!! She has grown up to be a great wife and mom. Thanks for the trip down memory lane!!
Yes, she definitely went by "Lee" on Kids Beat, because the producers prefered it. And she, too, HATED the octave jump at the end that they made her do for years (she felt it was only cute when she was still about 6). But that's what happens when your voice breaks a bit in your audition due to nerves and the guys in charge think it's worth keeping, right?
Somehow my last comment didn't seem to post. I'll keep an eye out, and try again if it doesn't show up. . .
I googled Audra Lee to find out whatever became of her. Glad she's doing okay. She reminds me of the early days of cable TV, her and Joe Franklin. Don't know if I miss early cable or miss those years because I was still young.
I remember her..we went to middle school together & was in the same chorus class she was a great person & very talented. We did several musical plays together. So glad to see she has done so well in life.
Here's an even EARLIER Kids Beat' from 1985
Oh I was just 18 when I first saw her on "Kids Beat" back in 1988 during commercial breaks when "The Brady Bunch" was on TBS.
In 1983, Kid's Beat was on every weekday, on TBS, I think, during the Leave it to Beaver rerun. Loved it and looked forward to it every day after school. I'd probably watch 'em all again if I could. God bless ya, Audra Lee.
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