Monday, May 10, 2010

Passing Notes |Top Ten Things Girls Said

As a school girl, I was the queen of writing notes to my classmates. I can't recall when I began participating in such behavior, however I recall being busted time and again for passing notes. Sometimes they were short. Sometimes they were long. Sometimes they were filled with secrets about which boy I was crushing that week. Sometimes they were TO that boy I was crushing that week. Writing notes really got us through high school. They kept us from falling asleep and helped pass time in study hall. They truly were a survival tool for female students.

The other day I was exchanging Facebook messages with a friend and actually said the words, "Longer Letter Later" when it dawned on me, I hadn't jotted those three words down in eons. Do you remember writing such cutesy things like this? I sure do. I've made a quick list of the fun terms I loved using back then. Please feel free to add yours in the comments section.
  1. L.Y.L.A.S = "Love Ya Like A Sister"
  2. WB or WBS = "Write Back" or "Write Back Soon!"
  3. Best Friends 4Eva  with the line in the 4 attaching to the E
  4. LYL = "Love You Lots"
  5. XOXO = hugs and kisses
  6. Boys B4 Books
  7. KIT = "Keep in Touch"
  8. Wuz Hea 
  9. SSS = "Sorry So Sloppy"
  10. Buy Ya Bubble Gum = I added this one in as a joke. It's something my little brother and I would say to my mom before we'd go to bed every night. It meant "I love you"


TS Hendrik said...

So it's the girls that are responsible for the current texting ways of the new generation! I should have known. Girls have cooties and they cause the English language to be abbreviated.

Ms. A said...

I remember back in the snail mail days, in letters to current loves, we always put SWALCAKWS. Any of you older people remember that one? Some of you younger ones probably don't even remember snail mail, huh?

Riot Kitty said...

That's funny - my notes were lots longer and more rambling!

MoonDoggie said...

Ms Anthropy - we were obviously backwards and only got as far as SWALK - what do all those other letters stand for?

Ms. A said...

SWALCAKWS... Sealed with a lick cuz a kiss won't stick.

Anonymous said...

Wow. These are cute. I can't remember even one. Its either they never wrote notes or I never wrote any... LOL

Have a good day!:)

Maggi said...

Oh yeah, I was HUGE about note writing, had a few binders where I kept them, one for each friend. lol Totally wrote "LLL", "BFF" and "SSS". lol

sara said...

Ahhh, notes. How would I have gotten through middle and high school without them? Our school's big thing was folding the notes in insanely, oragami-ish ways.

Anonymous said...

too funny! I just remember the "p.s. and then p.s.s. and p.s.s.s." and so on. Then my friends and I would discuss if it should be p.p.s...we had no clue what it even stood for. haha

liz said...

I remember WBC, LYLAS and KIT. Did you fold your notes up, too? I remember the different folds I used to do.

Marlene said...

How cute. :)

I almost got busted once for passing a note. Ok, well I sorta got busted. The teacher gave me a shitload of grief for not paying attention and for passing the note, and then asked for the note. I thought I was gonna die on the spot. He took the note and immediately threw it in the trash. Whew. He didn't read it! (It was my profession of love for a boy in the class, that I had written to my bff.) Or maybe he dug it out of the trash after I left the classroom and read it in case it was about him? Guess I'll never know.

@ Kathie: P.S. stands for post P.P.S. is correct (post post script) - just in case you still don't know. ;)

Copyboy said...

Dang! My not passing and creating skills paled in comparison to yours. Love the cheat sheet. You should think about doing a "For Dummies" guide.

Blast from the Past said...

Passing notes was a girl thing in my school. It was all us neanderthal teenage boys could do to grunt out fart and lugie (loogie? luggie?) jokes between classes and at lunch breaks.

All we did in class was steal glances at the girls we liked and wondered what the heck they were writing notes to each other about.

It was special when we got a note sent to us from one of you,though...

Salt said...

OMG I remember these! Did you ever do the check boxes? Haha like "do you like me? check yes....or no...or maybe...."

Ahhh memories.

Lady Hill said...

Sorry So Sloppy with the one S was like how I signed every note I wrote.

At one point my bff at the time and I had a notebook that we wrote notes in back and forth and would just pass the notebook to eachother in the hallway.
Then one day she left the note book in her classroom and all hell broke loose. Ugh I get all red and embarassed thinking about the drama that notebook caused.

Brandy@YDK said...

omgosh. I LOVED passing notes. loved it. now teenagers just text.

Jerry said...

Goonies do rule! and they are "good enough"! =)

Alison said...

Sorry So Sloppy!
I was thinking about that the other day. I think I learned it from a Beverly Cleary book (Muggie Maggie?).

I still have a box of notes from between a friend and I our sophomore year of high school. Every single one is along the lines of "Michael Jackson called. He wants his nose back." or "Your cousins called. They want their lover back." We were just too cool.

Amy said...

I remember when we would put our initials in a heart with a boy's initials we would always write TLA (true love always) but it would have the L as the bottom part of the T and the bottom part of the L as the middle of the A (does that make sense?) And of course, we would never write our own initials, we would generally write our friend's initials with some boy she would vehemently deny actually liking, and then we would put IDT (if destroyed, true). Which clearly trumped everything.

Macey said...

Buy ya bubble gum is awesome!
My friend and I would write the notes, fold them up and leave a little tag that you could pull to open it. It said "PULL". We wrote that on every note. Like we didn't know?!
Then we would put BFFF or BFF4Ever!
We were nerds.
My friend always put WRITE ME BACK SOON!!!!!

The Random Blogette said...

This makes me want to pull out my old notebooks from high school.Yes, I actually had notebooks with some of my friends that we used to pass back and forth instead of actual notes. This way, it looked like were were actually doing work in class instead of just writing notes!

Anonymous said...

Oh, L.Y.L.A.S. is my fave! Fond memories, as always when I come over here!

Babes Mami said...

I was a note writing QUEEN! I loved to pen everyone a nice cute note and secretly pass it in class or in the hall!

Mom Mayhem says: said...

Oh wow -You always bring back the memories! Yes I do remember passing notes at school and writing things like LYLAS and the like. Oh and that 1 time I wrote a note to a boy and did that whole cheesy thing -Do you like -Me/My name,and I threw in a couple other girl's names and Check yes or no - and had a friend give it to him. It was so embarassing it did not work out-He knew I was the 1 who wrote it and he didn't like me back.

Sara Louise said...

My BFF and I had one of those black and white composition books that we used to pass back and forth instead of just notes (it is currently in my possession but we trade it off whenever we see each other like once a year). We'll pour some wine and go back and read our lame high school ramblings. It is so very embarrassing, and more so each time we read it.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic! I remember doing little checkboxes with questions!

I have 2 boxes of notes that I saved from grade school through high school - they are a hoot to read!

California Keys said...

Did you have to share the note with class if you got caught passing them?

Sandra Burns said...

My three daughters and I started texting "LYPH KKX" which is Love You Past Heaven A Million Times.



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