It's nearly midnight on the official day of Corey Haim's death. When I first heard the news this morning I was sad, yet not quite sure how Corey's death would affect me throughout the day. To be honest I'm still bummed about it. A part of my childhood was taken with Corey Haim today, similar to the day we lost 1980s movie maker, John Hughes.
To make matters worse, several hours after I blogged about my reaction to Corey Haim's death, I received an email alert from Corey Feldman's blog. Corey's words broke my heart and suddenly I was thrown into thinking about what it must be like to lose a friend you've known for 20+ years.
I thought for a moment and realized something about Corey Feldman's sadness. Corey has lost three very close friends in less than one year. I thought my year sucked between my husband's furlough and my somewhat surprising layoff, which resulted in losing our mortgage a month before we planned to close on our first home. I guess I should consider myself lucky that all of my friends are still alive and well.

This is not Corey Feldman's best year. How much can a guy take?
His reaction on CNN's Larry King Live somewhat surprised me. I expected him to reflect on memories and recap the last encounters they shared. However, Corey Feldman cut the bull sh*t and opened up one awesome "Can of Whop Ass" (do people still say that?) and attacked the media. I wanted to give Feldman ten high fives! Everything he pointed out was truly right on!
The tabloids made a mockery out of Corey Haim and Corey Feldman for years. Constantly pointing out their shortcomings or any sign of failure they could drudge up--just as they do with all celebrities. When someone gains a few ounces they make the front cover of The Enquirer. When someone has marital trouble or a slight scuffle with paparazzi, TMZ is right there to catch it all in an attempt to make us laugh.
I was shocked to see harsh commentary on media websites from younger, angry web-surfers saying, "Who cares? Who the hell is Corey Haim?" or "Dirty druggie, he deserved to die!" Most of the negative comments were littered with typos, misspellings and poor grammar, saying a lot about the uneducated idiots thoughtlessly posting comments about someone's son, someone's friend, someone they've never even met. Could it be the media that has helped create such hateful young spawn?
Corey Haim made the landing page of every major media outlet website in the world on March 10. Where were these important press, media contacts and Tweeting celebs when Corey Haim took out that full page ad in Variety two years ago pleading for work? Corey Feldman points this out and I applaud him for that.
So other than downright angry and shocked, how is Corey Feldman really feeling? "He's not dong very well at all. This is the second life-long friend he's lost in 8 months. I spoke to him and we cried together on the phone. He's strong but he's really sad right now," reported his estranged wife, Susie Feldman to
Susie often butted heads with Corey Haim on episodes of their A & E reality show, The Two Coreys. As a wife myself, I understood many of her outbursts regarding Haim moving into the Feldman home. I think it's not uncommon for a small amount of tension to exist between single men and their married friend's wife, not to mention sharing a house with them.
I dedicate today's blog to Corey Feldman. I am so sorry that you lost your friend. My heart goes out to you Corey Feldman. I can't even imagine what you're feeling as I have never lost a friend or family member prematurely. At 38, your friend was much too young to say goodbye.
That was a lovely dedication, Ally.
Nice post Ally,
Anybody that "pushes" their kids into show business is nuts!
I tried as hard as possible to stay away from all reports and things related to Corey's death.
When I heard the news this morning I was very sad. As the day went on I got angry and more upset about everything. Facebook status updates about "who cares?!" "one corey down, one to go" and the like...
I just stopped reading anything that looked like it might have to do with it.
Then I saw that you posted and I knew that you would give the day some kind of justice.
Thank you for saying the things that have been in my head all day.
It's a sad day for any 80's fan.
Great post. We all are sadden by such a tragic loss but bravo to Corey Feldman for speaking out!
My Thoughts
Another lovely post. Sorry to hear that it is upsetting you so much.
It is a sad but valuable reminder of how short life is and we should make the most of everything and everyone around us.
Rapunzel x
We are still losing celebrities. Unfortunately I only knew of Corey Haim, I don't think I ever saw anything he did. I don't know how that is possible. I know Corey Feldman. I should rent some movies with Haim to connect more to the 80's.
I also figured you would give some light on the subject. Damn kids have no respect nowadays.
That is very sad and I can't believe some of the sick things people are saying about his death. May he rest in peace x
Corey Feldman's interview was amazing....
It's unfortunate, but you're going to find those insensitive people everywhere. You saw the insensitive comments everywhere after Michael Jackson's death.... Truth be told, I don't know what sins Michael Jackson had committed.... I can't say that I knew him, but the media (not only TMZ) painted this picture of a weak man who became a clown.... But after his death, you saw his sweet children and the love he had for them. I saw the 'This Is It' movie and I saw a talented entertainer who was in control of his show. I posted the video of Paris Jackson giving the speech about her father at the memorial on YouTube, and you can't imagine how many hateful ignorant comments I had to erase....
Take Sean Penn.... He goes down to Haiti and pulls two women out of rubble with his bare hands and he gets criticized for it.... His response was fantastic though, he said he was out of the media loop while in Haiti and he 'hopes the critics die screaming from rectal cancer'.
It's come to the point that no celebrity is given any privacy.... They're stalked when they eat out, or go to the store or even the mailbox, and ridiculed for every misstep....
And it's only getting worse with the massive amounts of money the paparazzi are getting paid for the 'hot' photos.
It's one thing to ridicule someone for a lack of talent, but Corey Haim was very talented and like Corey Feldman said, 'he was only hurting himself'.
It was a horribly sad day and I hope these tabloids don't smear Haim any more than they already have....
This was a really nice post. :)
I was little when they were really popular, and unfortunately, the only time they were ever the "current buzz", it was, as you said, related to a negative experience they'd had. It's a shame that they were so targeted.
I forgot about the divorce. Yeah, Corey F. has had a crazy year! Very touching, heartfelt message to him in the end. See, this is the type of respectable reporting that should be on Access hollywood right now, instead of the sensational mess they will make of it.
You (and Corey Feldman) are so right. I'm glad someone is saying it. We're at the point when we believe that someone who was once in movies is a failure if they choose to no longer be in movies, or if they simply can no longer get movie roles. It's really sick, and because that is how the media portray it, Corey Haim couldn't have felt like anything but a failure.
Not being in movies and not being famous in no way makes you a failure.
Ally, you were the first person I thought of yesterday when I heard the news. Nice post.
While I was talking to you yesterday I mentioned the hype that was going on when Heath Ledger died, and I spent all night reading his tributes.
Yes, there are some really cruel people out there, and a lot of the people who wrote were saying that he was already burning in Hell.
Just ignore these people, and remember him as you always will.
My heart and thoughts go out to you today. Some people are just so damn ignorant.
Nice post
It almost sounds like you know these people personally. Corey Haim was my first crush. Hardcore. But he was a meth head, so I knew it was just a matter of time. I guess I am a little sad, but celebs are not like real people to me.
what an exceptional post. I'm so glad you wrote all this down. I've been covered up with work and missed seeing coverage. it is unbearably sad, isn't it? you're such a tender soul, you fourth grade nothing! the depth of your disappointment will one day be the depth of your joy.
RIP Corey Haim and much love to Corey Feldman. Tragedy too often defines us, but this is just a Polaroid.
People can be so cold. You'd swear some even get pleasure from kicking people when they're down.. and sometimes dead. What the heck is this world coming to? Have these flipping morons ever heard of respect for the dead? Okay... I'd better stop before I really start ranting!!
I was suprisingly moved by your devotion. I replaced Corey's name in my head with a celebrity who means alot to me from my youth and I got your point immediately. Sometimes it's too easy to make fun of people/celebs who seem to have everything they ever wanted and who live in this perfect dream world. That is never the reality. It's hard enough being a human on this planet without all the extra baggage that celebrity carries with it. You made me think today. Thank You
Everyone thank you so much for your beautiful comments. Everything you said is so true. @As black- very true about Michael Jackson!
Awww this was heart-breaking Ally. And so so true. All of it. Thank you for this post and having compassion for a guy who was more than just a 'druggie'. The guy was my childhood crush and hero. He was a wonderful actor.
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