Remembering Johnson's No More Tangles for Removing Knots from Kids' Hair

Her post reminded me ... I too had long hair up until about fourth grade. Which is perfect, as you know I'm all about being the perpetual Fourth Grade Nothing ... It was in fourth grade that I began making more and more of my own choices. My mom loved my hair long and I didn't. My hair has never been longer than shoulder length since grade four. Not even for my wedding.
The reason I'm telling you about my once long mane, is to remind you about an awesome product. You see, my mom was a smart, savvy consumer. Why? She used Johnson's No More Tangles. This magical hair conditioning potion, whipped up by Johnson's biochemists, saved me from years of tears. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you Johnson's. I'd also love to give the scientist behind the first kids conditioning hair spray a shout out, but sadly I was unable to locate any history on this product.
With conditioner being a staple in every family's home today, I was slightly surprised that No More Tangles is still popular today. In fact, Johnson's has an entire line of "untangling" hair products for children. If you're a Mommy Blogger, you probably know that already.
Watch The Retro Commercial Here:
What Johnson's No More Tangles Products Look Like Today
Never had problems with tangles myself…but the 'no more tears' was a pretty good invention I must say.
L'Oreal Kids was where it was at. My mom would buy me the strawberry scented. Yummmmm. So delicious smelling that I may have used it as an adult.
i lived for this stuff when taylor was little.... but have you tried TARGET'S brand of this?? holy smokes it's like a dollar and smells (and works) wonderfully!!!!!! we give it 4 thumbs up.... (taylor and i) ;) well, she'd probably give it more thumbs up, but she only has 2.... it's her hair that gets ripped on daily by me.... well, before she chopped it off!
And, it's great for taking off eye makeup, small eye infections and cleaning boo boos. It has numbing agents, which is why it doesn't sting.
I loved that stuff. Too bad it's full of chemicals, or I'd still use it.
Riot Kitty is very correct. One of the worst ingredients in it, is fragrance. Not THE only bad thing, but one of the worst. One a scale of 1 to 10, this one is rated a 6.
I loved Johnsons. They had so much cool stuff for kids.
I always wondered why they don't have like a grown up line of stuff. Maybe they figure we're old enough to manage our own tangles.
i used this all the time.
i still do sometimes.
I totally had that stuff! Used it every time I washed my hair.
I had Johnsons when I was a wee lad. Then my mom started me on Prell. My sis hung in and used J for longer than me. Guess 'cause of the longer hair thing. Though it was the 70s, so it was pretty close for a while.
I never had a need for the stuff either. My mom wouldn't let me grow my hair long, and the sons all had short hair until now. I do remember using Johnson shampoo in college because all the cool girls were using it too. Never mind that it didn't clean my hair worth a crap, it was in my shower bucket~
I loved the No More Tangles. I wonder if it would work on my hair now...hmmmm...note to self, get thee to Target for No More Tangles!
I remember washing The Daughter's hair when she was 3. She always hated it because I would get water in her eyes. But one time, in the middle of a huge crying fit, she paused, and said, "That smells good, daddy"...and promptly resumed her screaming and crying.
I so remember that commercial!!! (Does that make me super old?) Rhetorical question.
I still use no more tangles on my own hair. The best detangler there is!
We use No More Tears for my kiddo tried and true!
I can't stand the smell of that stuff. I am the momma that wants my girlies to have long hair. I figure until they say otherwise that's how it will stay. I like the Paul Mitchell haircare line for kids. ;-)
My mom should have used that stuff, but she didn't.
I had hair down to my arse when I was a kid and would NEVER have survived the snarls or my mother's frustration without this miracle spray product :) Brings back lots of memories!!!
Yay! I get to count myself amongst the cool kids in saying I used this product! A godsend for hippie tykes!
I have to use this on my daughters hair. She has natural curly hair (Brat mine is pin straight LOL) If i don't use it she ends up with dreadlocks!
I gave you an award!
We used to thrive on this stuff. I have massively thick hair that was long too and we used it religiously. Now I use it on my own kids in the morning before school!
A saving grace for daughter has long curly hair - even with it she still hates washing or brushing her hair. My mom's remedy for my own long curly hair...cut if off. Lucky me!
I think I like the look of the retro bottles better. :)
Ally, Ally, Ally! Thanks for that blast from the past. That just made me smile! With 4 girls, we went through that stuff by the bucket load.
They do have variations of it now with fruity smells and all different kinds. It was my saving grace when my youngest was a tyke. She had ringlets, a lot of them and if it wasn't for that stuff, she would have had dreds instead.
I wonder if the formula has changed at all since then. You would think that with the way science has progressed we could have rid the world of tangles by now.
Hi thanks for stopping by my blog and giving me a follow :-)
My hair has always been fantastic. No products needed. Just look at my profile pic. Does hair get any better? I think not.
My naturally curly hair gave me fits my entire teenage life! I always wanted to have "feathers" and "wings" like the other girls had, but could never make my curls do what I wanted. They always had a mind of their own. Then one day, in high school, I learned to embrace my curls and let them do what they wanted. Once I gave up control, I learned to love my locks. Thank god. If I had continued that struggle I'd have been dead by 23.
No More Tangles!!! I remember that miracle working from when I was younger!! Now I just push through the pain. It's my own fault when I get lazy and skip the conditioner :p
I remember that shampoo! I used to want it, but my hair was never tangly...always so straight and plain. My boys will watch TV and see the commercials, but they figure it's for girls cuz they have short hair and it doesn't get knotty. :)
I used it and my girls use it - I love the smell!
Looks like I'm in the "super old" or "cool kids" crowd too. I'll go for the "cool kids" label, since I never got to claim it.
I loved the commercial and wanted that long blone hair on the bottle. It smelled good, but it never actually worked to get rid of my tangles.
Wait a minute.... That stuff actually worked? I'm gonna get some of that stuff for me! It'll save me from an extensive hair prep program....
I have to say I am glad I am a boy with short hair. I remember the horror stories about the long hair tangle and how some of them were taken out. OUCH!
CLASSIC! I had thick THICK blonde hair to my butt at the age of 4. No joke. That stuff saved my life. And my moms sanity. Cant believe its still around!
I had short hair as a kid, so my mother never used that on me, but I remember it. BTW, that little girl in the commercial is too cute - especially hearing her say the word "manageable." ;)
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