Saturday, May 15, 2010

10 Questions About This Blogger

Please forgive me for not commenting lately, I'm totally swamped -- have had a crazy, busy week jam-packed with freelance writing projects. No time to blog even which bums me out a bit. Here's a quick and easy post. Ten Questions stolen from What's That? blog. 
1. What are you most excited for RIGHT NOW?
Sadly, nothing really. A few nights out planned with friends and a huge family reunion is planned for July in Virginia where it will surely be balls-hot. I do so love hotel rooms though.
2. Who is your style icon? What inspires your look? 
Nobody, I have no look. I'm anti-fashion and somewhat stuck in the '90s. I wear what I can afford and what fits. I do cling to my indie, hipster ways of my youth. Never wear heels, always wear Docs and skater style sneakers, dark denim and Paul Frank purses, that's about it. My MIL will always talk about boots or Uggs or skinny jeans or say "it's what all the women are wearing now" which are typically items I'd never be caught dead in.

3. If you could have dinner with anyone, alive or dead, who would you invite?
Dead - I'd want all of my teen stars to hang: Corey Haim, River Phoenix, Brad Renfro, etc. but not Heath - I wasn't really a fan of his.

Alive - Jason Bateman, Jack Black and Corey Feldman
4. What did you dress up as for your first Halloween? 
I don't dress up. I slapped on some dumb black bob-style wig, gothic dress and false eyelashes. I looked like an idiot. 
UPDATE- I'm such a loser - I thought the question was LAST Halloween! My first Halloween I think I was a witch. I don't remember really.

5. What are you improving? Dieting and working out more, trying to enhance my writing and SEO skills for work purposes

6. What is the strangest compliment you’ve ever received?  I don't get compliments but once my college boyfriend's mom exclaimed, "Oh my g*d, you have a waist!" after I lost 60 lbs. She then told him he better start dieting before I dump his ass. He quickly lost 40 and dumped my ass before I could dump his :(   

7. What’s your little-known talent? 
I like to think I'm good at, um, never mind.
8. What do you obsessively search for on eBay?  It used to be these John Fluevog platform-ish shoes I once owned and LOVED back in like 1997, they made my feet look adorable. I could never find them again and gave up. I stay away from eBay for now. I used to search for Fred Perry shirts, Jadeite and other hard-to-find vintage stuff.
9. When you were a child, who did you worship & want to be like? So pathetic, but I worshiped so many male stars, I actually wished I was Jason Bateman or Kirk Cameron or one of the many teen idols I loved. I just wanted to be on a hit TV show and be famous and get lots of fan mail. I always swore I'd reply to every letter no matter how much time it took me. 

10. What was your palate band? Otherwise known as the first band you heard that made you realize the world of music was larger than whatever the Top 20 singles were!  Palate band? I have never heard that term in my life... Anyway, I guess it's New Order, Depeche Mode, The Cure and The Smiths as I discovered them all on the same day from an older girl I once knew.


Babes Mami said...

I miss your love on my blog and facebook and email!

However, I forgive easily.

I love that we have tons of silly things in common.

Virginia isn't too far from SC, we could go to the beach! Just saying...

Cheeseboy said...

I love your dinner party. I want to be invited.

I think RawknRobin knows Jack Black personally!

Lady Hill said...

I'm not a highly fashionable girl. The only "in" thing I own is a pair of Uggs which I always swore I'd never wear. Then, I tried a pair on and fell in love. I spent two years wearing nothing but sandals or my Uggs. Best Christmas/bday present I had gotten in ages. (thanks big bro!)
I also adore my Docs. Though I guess my wedding photos are proof of that.

I love your dinner party. I'd so want to be there.

Joe Cap said...

I love your answer to number 7. I just know I can guess what it is!

Ms. A said...

All work and no blog hopping, makes Ally a... busy girl!

Anonymous said...

I was a huge fan of the Brat Pack too!!

Anonymous said...

Wow. That's a great Halloween costume. Believe me, mine were even more Worse!

MoonDoggie said...

ha ha - "balls-hot"

Joann Mannix said...

Don't sweat it, Ally. We feel your love, even when you're not around.

I never wanted to BE like Jason Bateman, I just wanted to...probably #7 Jason Bateman or something to that effect.

ScoMan said...

I love the dinner party question, but I usually end up wanting to invite fictional characters.

Like you, I'm not really one for fashion. It seems like a lot of time, energy and money.

liz said...

At what age did Jack Black start making it big? I'm wondering if he had a career as a kid, cuz if he did, you'd know!

pika23 said...

my style icons vary. I'm a fat ass so I cannot wear skinny jeans *yet* working on it though! 90 down and 90 to go! I also like hot topic stuff and sneakers from journey's i love uggs. I also love designer hand bags and ed hardy stuff.

my dinner guests would be All the Beatles, Jesus, ozzy osborn, kathy griffin and rosie o donnel and rachel ray, and Guy Fierri because someone needs to cook! And Paula Dean

pika23 said...

my first halloween I dressed for? I had a Annie costume with that plastic mask attached with elastic. it came with a smock type vinyl dress with Annie written on it, not that you couldn't tell without it.

Copyboy said...

7? dinner guest would've been Jesus...or Underdog...just saying.

Bossy Betty said...

Great answers! Get back to blogging soon. Ignore your other life. Come baaaaccccccckkkkkkkkk.....

RMb said...

hehe, thanks for the shout out! your answers were great. i hope things calm down for you soon! :)

Sadako said...

Loved reading your responses, and I agree with Cheeseboy on your dinner party!

Macey said...

For some reason this sounds like it came out of my head and somewhat depresses me. I have no style, I never dressed up and I always wanted to be Kirk Cameron. Maybe I'm a gay dude?

Anonymous said...

No Heath Ledger...Jaw Drops!

1-Swell Season concert in July
2-No one..I am my own style icon...LOL! (Not really)
3-Dead- Layne Staley, Heath Ledger, Kurt Cobain
alive, Glen Hansard. Charlie Hunnam
4-I have no memory of my first Halloween
5-I will go with my diet as well
6-A dirty old man yelled across the parking lot "Are your breasts (He didn't use that nice of a word) real? No breasts (Again not that nice of a word) that purdy can be real" It was kind of scary
7-if I am thinking the same thing you are thinking and didn't want to mention I will say that too. LOL!
8-Alice in Chains stuff...I just got a Layne Staley Calendar and a Layne pillow...LOL!
9-The one person I can think of and this is when I was a teen was Pamela DeBarge...yeah I know not the best person to look up to! LOL!

Anonymous said...

OOPS sent that before I answered the last question, but I think you know the answer to that. For me it was Alice In chains. I knew after hearing Man in the Box for the first time music would never be the same.

Anonymous said...

Ooo, Jack Black and Depeche Mode. I'd love to hang out with that group all together! said...

Yes, Cheeseboy is right. My sibs and I went to Temple school with Jack Black. He was in our Rebel station wagon once, inches from me, when my mom kindly gave him a ride home. I made fun of him (not to his face) with the rhyme: "Jack Black could eat no fat." (I like to think my poetry has improved since then.) Damn, the missed opportunities! I'm the one eating s--- now. Sorry for digressing.

Don't know why you say you don't get compliments, Ally. I see compliments from your followers all the time. Plus, you are among the sweetest, funnest bloggers there are! I love ya. So there. :)

Andrea said...

Amazingly enough, it seemed like none of us Northern girls LIKED UGGs, but everyone living in California lived for them. Weird...

California Keys said...

I used to wish that I was Mike Seaver.... Kirk Cameron kind of scares me now....

Jack Black and Kyle Gass are two of the coolest human beings on earth!

Marlene said...

I'm totally with you on the skinny jeans. They will never grace my fat knees. EVER.

Heather Taylor said...

Your favorite band list is great! They're all my favorites too!


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