Saturday, July 24, 2010

What's In My Trapper Keeper? Mikhail Baryshnikov!

Check out who I stumbled upon in my Trapper Keeper today :-)

Why it's Mikhail Baryshnikov! In 7th grade my friend Serena and I loved the 1985 movie White Nights which I told you all about back in this blog I wrote a long time ago.  I must have written him a fan letter and this was what he sent back to me. Enjoy!


Ms. A said...

I haven't thought about him in a while.

Pat Tillett said...

Very interesting. Have you ever checked out what some of these things might be worth? Or do you not care about that because of what they mean to you?

Ally said...

Hi Pat! Actually I've never really thought about selling my autographed items. Years ago, I sold off some of my Monkees items and miss them and regret it, so I doubt I'll do that again.

Anonymous said...

You do have some amazing things. That autograph looked pretty authentic to me.

Joe Cap said...

I didn't know you had a 'trapper keeper'! This sounds fascinating. You should post about your inventory.

mamahasspoken said...

Wow I forgot all about him and he use to be in the news every week! Wonder whatever happen to him.....

Riot Kitty said...

He is ever hotter as an older guy, as evidenced on SATC... said...

He's smokin' hot. You look fabulous with your new hairdo too.
Be well.

Macey said...

Love the hair!
And for some reason I thought Baryshnikov was either a politician in a foreign country or an ice skater. Weird?

Kal said...

I could have been a dancer like him. I could have been an SHUMKA dancer (Ukrainian Folk Dancing Group) but my mother didn't love me enough to sign me up. I will never wear the red boots.

Joann Mannix said...

I loved Mikhail! And I especially loved that here he is, so many years later, starring as Carrie's love interest in Sex And The City. Go Mikhail! Definitely a fine man.

And Ally, I love your vlogs. You should do more of them. And I loooove your hair. You look fabulous!

Marlene said...

I've never seen that movie????

On a sidenote, you had Monkees items and sold them?!! My sister would be groaning. (She was a HUGE Monkees fan).

Anonymous said...
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Heather Taylor said...

I had the biggest crush on him when he was on Sex and the City. I would LOVE to have a worldly Russian boyfriend who would buy me Oscar de la Renta gowns.

Copyboy said...

Say you, say me; say it for always
That's the way it should be
Say you, say me; say it together

Margaret Benbow said...

It took me days to recover from White Nights. Thrilling, intense plots and dance sequences and scene where Baryshnikov describes his defection, literally outrunning the KGB, and I found out later this is what really happened in his life.

The Man-Cave said...

I remember that film. Mik and Gregory Hines. The thing remember about this film the most is the Phil Collins duet. I think the song was "Separate Lives"?

Bossy Betty said...

Love the hairdo!!!

Great signed picture. He's pretty.

McGriddle Pants said...

He was a hottie on Sex and the City a few years ago!! :)

sara said...

I now desperately want to go to Target and get a Trapper Keeper. I have no idea what I would put in it...but I still want one. Do they even still sell them?

Michelle Pixie said...

Your hair looks super sassy! ;-)

TILTE said...


even as a kid, i remember having funny feelings while watching this movie.

later i learned those funny feelings can best be described as "restraining order".


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