Friday, June 10, 2011

E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial | June 11, 1982

This weekend during what I often refer to as "The Best Year Ever" or 1982, my most favorite childhood movie of all time opened in theaters. Yes, Friday, June 11, 1982 was the day E.T. opened in Long Island theaters. The movie theater setting the backdrop for this momentous occasion was called Sunrise Cinemas, located on Sunrise Highway in Valley Stream.

This multiplex theater was amazing back in the early 1980s. Sunrise Cinemas featured so many different movies and weekend matinées. Coleco games filled the waiting area allowing us kids to kill time and engage in a few rounds of Ladybug while our folks waited on line for movie tickets.

Happy Anniversary E.T.
As much as I loved E.T. and saw it 14 times in the theater that year, one horrendous line in the movie somewhat tarnishes my pleasant memory. Wedged between my parents and six-year-old brother in a jam-packed theater, a 9-year-old me had to endure one of my very first embarrassing moments. 

What could that possibly be? When Elliott (my love, Henry Thomas) blurts out this horrible name for his brother, Michael (Robert MacNaughton). I can't even type it. To this day I'm still embarrassed. So you'll have to just watch it here on YouTube. It's only 15 seconds, so sit tight and check it out. 

I was surprised to learn the line was later removed for the DVD release, interesting. Too bad it wasn't removed when it mattered to me most, back in 1982!

Elliot in E.T. to his big brother Michael, "It was nothing like that ..."


  1. Hahahahahahaha... I had forgotten that!

  2. I remember going to see ET in the theaters back in '82. We were in a small town with a small, one theater cinema (no multiplex). I remember the line for tickets winding around the theater and down the sideawlk of the downtown. And then, after getting in, being in a crowded theater filled with people to see the movie. Crowded, and someone spilled a drink one row behind us, but I remember the experience fondly. . . it was like everyone in America had gone out to see ET, and I was part of it.

  3. It was inevitable they would delete the line.

    E.T. was far ahead for its time, and I remember it making quite a splash then.

  4. Ha! I know I saw ET in the theater, but I don't remember that line.

    I was obsessed with ET as a kid - bedsheets, posters, cereal.

  5. I saw ET in the theater and loved it. Still to this day.

  6. I had forgotten that line. I loved ET. I remember being surprised at how moved I was by the it!

  7. This is the first movie my parents took me to. My middle name is Elliot, and they wanted to see if I liked the movies.

    I was 1 1/2. It was a disaster, and to this day, aliens creep me out.

    Thanks mom. Thanks dad.

  8. How do I not remember this? Hilarious!

    And do you know what happened when I watched ET? I started laughing when he was dying. And all my older cousins got really mad at me and called me a jerk.

  9. Okay, seriously. This is my new favorite blog! I love this post!

    I, too, remember watching E.T.-- and being scared out of my gourd that night in my room-- and I, too, was mad for Elliot. Although I do not recall that line! Enjoyed it this morning, though. :)

    Three cheers for Fourth Grade Nothing! Love the pic with the cowgirl hat, too.

  10. Ms. A how you and almost everyone else forgot about that line is beyond me. It was the worst!

    Anil - Totally and I read that Spielberg actually tells fans to view the original version over the updated version where they digitally replaced the FBI's guns with walkie talkies, etc.

    Evonne- I had it all. One Xmas I counted like 20 items all E.T. related from TV snack tray to sheets to sleeping bag. I had it all!

    Lost - no offense to your folks, but who would take a child under 5 to a movie? I remember passing out with boredom at Superman and Star Wars and I was like 6.

    Dancing - I cried my eyes out. Nothing has changed there.

    Suze - Henry Thomas was my first big movie crush (Adam Rich from Eight is Enough was my first TV crush) ... I loved him and to this day have seen all of his movies. Such a great actor.

  11. I have never seen ET. I was so traumatized by my brother's ET trading cards when we were little that I couldn't bring myself (and still can't bring myself) to watch it...
    I can tell you the exact card...Lil' ET is in some sort of medical tube.

    I don't want to cry for poor E.

  12. classic movie, interesting history

  13. I was shocked by that line too, but it was a great movie.

  14. I loved that movie. I wanted an E.T. of my very own...

    I didn't get one.

  15. I have always loved that movie. Actually I am surprised they took that line out (sorry!!)

    BTW I do a MEAN impersonation of ET!!!

  16. I had the volume on a LITTLE TOO HIGH for that mom gave me a dirty look -_-

  17. I forgot that shocking line and how cute Drew B. was.

  18. man you are awesome! this post confirms it. you have 2 radical dudez that approve

  19. E.T! I saw it when I was little on vhs but I don't remember much! I need to brush up :D

  20. I love this movie...the new Super 8 reminds me of it...

  21. Ha I don't remember that line, but I'm not surprised it was deleted!

    What a classic film this was! I've only seen it once though, and now i feel I should see it again, but maybe not 14 times. :D

  22. Has it been so long since ET was released? Actually I have never watched the whole movie...I should!

  23. I totally remembered the line! I said it to myself before playing your clip, knowing my memory couldn't have failed me after all these years, and it didn't. LOL. LOVED that movie.

  24. funny, that's the most memorable part for me, too. i'm glad you didn't type that out. far too scandalous.
