Sunday, January 8, 2012

Kids Incorporated Jerry Sharell

Jerry was my favorite Kids Inc. cast member.
Like most kids in 1984, I loved morning TV. I have reminisced about how while growing up I wanted to be a famous singer, dancer or actress. I would dance around to the Annie soundtrack in 1982 and Footloose in 1984. 

Kids Incorporated was the best show ever for a kid like me. I would fantasize that I too was part of the group. I knew all of the songs they covered such as Madonna, Prince, Michael Jackson -- basically all of the popular radio hits. I wrote to all of the cast members and even got a reply from Mario Lopez. Although I loved all five members of the original cast, one cast member really wowed me.

Jerry Sharell played Mickey. Although he was only in the first season of Kids Incorporated, he was my very favorite. Jerry was tall with dark hair and had such a charismatic way of performing. I could tell he was very well trained, professional and took his singing seriously. This wasn't just a job to him, this was Jerry's dream. I Googled him recently to see what he might look like today. Wow, he's all grown up and even more handsome than he was as a teen. Check him out. 

Jerry Sharell today, wow!

Check out this video with Jerry singing the lead and Mario Lopez on drums. 


  1. Kids Incorporated was a huge favorite of mine, too! That original theme song is still the coolest to me! I was introduced to it around 1989 whenever my family would get free preview weekends of the Disney Channel, and I, too, would dance around and sing along and fantasize that I was in a band. My favorite member of the 1989 season was Devyn. I love that KI has a website so I can watch and listen anytime I want to now :)

  2. Check out Martika on backup vocals and guitar! I loved her.

  3. Oh, I can't imagine my childhood without Kids Incorporated!!! LOVED it!

  4. Oh my gosh I loved that show. But I watched it on the Disney channel and I feel like I watched a different cast? Maybe my memory is just bad, which is definitely possible.
