Thursday, September 23, 2010

25 Years of Nintendo Super Mario Brothers

Happy Belated Birthday Super Mario Brothers!
I know I'm late to the party -- September 13 marked the 25th year of Super Mario Brothers, but I still wanted to take time to post about the Nintendo video game's special birthday/anniversary.

I have memories of my brother and I playing hours and hours of Mario Brothers in my parents' upstairs TV room. It was the only Nintendo game I really loved, next to Tetris of course. I was raised on Atari and for some reason by the time Nintendo came out, I was a bit over the whole video game craze.

Today, my husband plays hours of Mario Kart for Wii and these days the Mario games are much more challenging than the original Mario Brothers games.  Last Christmas, I bought him New Super Mario Brothers for Wii and hoped we would be able to play together. I couldn't get into it. Today's games are much more difficult and technical -- I just can't keep up. I feel so old.

Three Fun Facts About Mario Brothers
  1. Mario wasn't always a plumber, he was originally a carpenter.
  2. Since 1995, the voice of Mario has been provided by American voice actor Charles Martinet. He also voices Wario and Luigi.
  3. The first Super Mario Bros game has sold 40.24 million copies.


  1. I freakin LOVE the original Super Mario Brothers. :)

    And Duck Hunt. Remember that one?

  2. LOVE IT!

    I could never beat 8-1 though. The time limit in that world was too short and one of my brothers usually had to beat it for me.

    We had the power pad. That thing was a workout.

    Ah, good times.

  3. I still have not beaten the original Super Mario Brothers without the Game Genie. I could never beat level 7-3. It's ridiculous.

  4. I love Mario!!!!! The game is the same age as me. That's weird. It's such a classic!!

    Hey lady I'm also running a giftcard giveaway for CSN stores! If you get a chance hop on over to my blog!

    CSN Stores Giftcard Giveaway

  5. Haha! I felt so old when Nintendo 64 came out and I could not for the life of me figure out how to use the controllers. I was so frustrated. Bring me back flat mushrooms and odd looking flowers any day.

  6. Everyone should be celebrating this birthday! Super Mario 1, 2, and 3 for the original NES are hands down my favorite games of all time.

  7. LMAO...I was literally JUST telling my soon to be 13 year old step son that I had the ORIGINAL Nintendo and Mario game..He thought it was hilarious.

  8. I loved Atari. I cried when my parents got rid of it. I still love the original Super Mario Bros. but DH & I spent quality time playing the new one for the Wii, along with Mario Kart. We love Mario!

  9. I loved Super Mario Brothers!! Played it non-stop until I saved the Princess! HA!

  10. A carpenter? No wonder Mario fans are usually religious zealots.

  11. A few years ago, my dude bought me this print from my favorite artist, Jose Emroca Flores:

    It's hanging on my dining room wall. You can see the castle far off in the distance.

  12. That's interesting that Mario started as a carpenter. Guess he was in it (Nintendo and all) for the money.
    Be well, Ally.

  13. I love that Mario is withstanding the tests of time. I love him in ways that I probably shouldn't love a video game character.

    And fun fact: Birdo is a male-to-female transexual (transgender?). True story. It's well known in Japan, but the developers thought Americans would be too conservative for that tid-bit so it's buried in a game manual and never mentioned again.

  14. Man, I remember playing the original...

  15. i loved them... but i also LOVED duck Hunt and Mike Tyson Punch Out!
