Thursday, June 10, 2010

Remember Better Cheddars from Nabisco, Kraft?

The other day I found myself in the cracker aisle of the Parsippany ShopRite. Now chillax. I know what you're thinking... "You're on a diet! What are you doing in the snack aisle?" Leave me be! I was wishfully thinking Nabisco suddenly developed a low-carb cracker just for me. Sadly, I was mistaken. However, I did stop dead in my tracks when I spotted a box of Better Cheddars.

Better Cheddars are thin, circular, cheese flavored crackers and were first introduced in 1981. Honestly, I had no idea Nabisco still made Better Cheddars snacks. According to the nutritional information, one serving (6 crackers) is 160 calories, 8 grams of fat, 18 grams of carbohydrates and 320 grams of sodium. Don't worry, I put the box down. If you haven't had one, they taste similar to CHEESE NIPS (another Nabisco product).

Basically, the point of this post is simply to share with you my surprise in seeing them after all of these years. For the remainder of my shopping trip, the following jingle played out over and over in my head like a broken record, "New better cheddars sourdough baked right in, delicious tasting better cheddars, the San Fransico style, snack thin!" 

Funny, I couldn't remember anything about the commercial and watching it now on YouTube, it's pretty damn funny.  Caution, you may have this song in your head for the rest of the day/night.


  1. I used to love Better Cheddars! Such a great munchie snack.

  2. Couldn't play the video, again. I could eat a box of those crackers, in one sitting.

  3. I've never tried them or heard of them but they sound delicious.

  4. Better Cheddar was the best. you guys didn't know the actor in this commercial had bit parts in Barney Miller & Mel Brook's movie High Anxiety.

  5. MMM...Better Cheddars. I can't believe they still make these! Are you sure the box wasn't a hold over from the 80's? I've had some pretty questionable snack incidents from drugstores.

  6. I live in San Francisco, so I think I'm going to buy a box of these and have someone take a picture of me holding it on a trolley. Or maybe try and get one of the trolley conductors to hold it.

  7. mmmm, better cheddars! I'm going to go buy a box of these TODAY!

  8. mmmm, better cheddars! I'm going to go buy a box of these TODAY!

  9. I'm so glad they still make these!
    And yep. Song in my head for the rest of the day.

  10. They seriously are so much better than any cheddar cracker out there. Too bad they are so darn expensive.

  11. I don't remember them from so long ago! I thought they were newer. Go figure. BUT I LOVE THEM!!!

  12. I didn't remember until you posted the commercial!!! Then it all came flooding back. Funny how that happens. Grrrr. That's my tummy rumbling. Cheesy crackers sound good right about now.

  13. Some advertising jingles are so darn catchy! Like that one for Klondike Bars. "All that chocolaty coated ice cream loaded big and thick no room for a stick... What would you do ooh ooh for a Klondike Bar?

  14. Better than Cheez-Its but not as cost effective. :)

    Damn me and my gluten-free, I'm allergic to all processed foods, self.

    Haha, man, you are rolling out the vintage pop culture. In that, I love your style!

  15. I LOVE those things. I also love Cheese-its and Cheese Nips...

  16. Those are so awesome! They were so yummy! I haven't had them in forever....

    Mmmmmm.... I'm so hungry now.... I remember them being super light and crispy!

  17. Never had these but now I want want want!

  18. Stumbled across your post while searching to see if anyone remembers Better Cheddar Blue Cheese?? Do you?

    They were the BEST. But no longer made. bummer.

  19. Just impulse bought a box of these a couple weeks ago, hadn't had them in at least 5 years. Yum!

  20. Thank you so much for posting the commercial! Yesterday, I bought these for the first time in probably 30 years! Saw them at the store - the jingle popped in my head - just the first "mmm better cheddars" part & had to find the song to show my 5 year old son! He & his little sis are now chomping down on them. :-)

  21. Today's Better Cheddars boxes say nothing about sourdough. The ones I bought just seemed like thin, overly orange Ritz crackers. Not enough cheese to please.
