Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Good Girl

Unfortunately, I don't have a steady full-time job right now. This means, I've been staying up super late watching reruns on TV. My  newest obsession is watching Roseanne on TV Land from like 12-2:30AM while my husband sleeps.

Ironically the ad running on the TV Land website says, "Survive the Recession with Roseanne" almost as if they know all of us depressed, unemployed folk are sleepless and watching the show for a few laughs and inspiration. If Roseanne and Dan can afford a mortgage and three kids, there has to be hope, right? Honestly though, I truly want to know how Al and Peg Bundy did it on a shoe salesman's salary. Seriously. I doubt I'd even eke out groceries and gas if I had Al's job!

Last night's episode revolved around Dan and Roseanne leaving Becky home alone all day to visit Roseanne's mom in that town that is a long drive from their home in Landford. Becky's alone with her BFF and instead of working on their "Women in the '90s" project, they decide to hit the Conner's liquor cabinet hardcore. Becky mixes up Hurricanes in large tumblers consisting of about 5% root beer and 95% alcohol. The girls get totally sh*tfaced and Becky busts out Roseanne's Moody Blues albums.

I'm sure you've done this at one time or another, well minus the Moody Blues albums. Why haven't I? I can't tell you one time, other than sneaking a few sips of beer at Jeannie's Sweet Sixteen party, that I've ever gotten wasted before going off to college. It hit me while watching Roseanne and Dan scold Becky. Am I really the only person (other than seriously religious kids) that didn't indulge in boozing with friends until about age 18.

The other night's episode focused on Darlene smoking cigs. They go through the whole parental confrontation and I think to myself, why didn't I smoke cigarettes in high school? Everyone else was doing it. I remember thinking the smokers in school were so "tuff" ... They usually wore leather jackets paired with stretch pants and fringe boots. I made sure to steer clear of them. I just find it so difficult to relate to these rebellious kids.

I must have been some weird late bloomer. I mean, who waits until college to pick up smoking?! I bet most kids quit by that time. I remember in 11th grade, spying a pack of Marlboro reds in an open drawer in my brother's room and being shocked. Here was my very own little brother smoking when he was only in seventh grade! Meanwhile, when I was his age, I was busy with my writing assignments for Kidsday/Newsday and working on my Monkees zine.

Was I a nerd? I'm guessing I was. I mean I was really into making out with my high school boyfriend at the time so that has to count for something, no? I'm dying for some street cred here. I hate to think that I missed out on this wild phase that others experienced. I was raised on all of these awesome '80s high school movies where kids who oddly looked much older than me, were smoking "doobies" and passing out drunk. I honestly never thought that was real life.

My rebellion consisted of buzzing part of my head and wearing weird clothes, but unlike Darlene and Becky, my folks never had to punish me or sit me down warning me of the harm in drinking or smoking. Man, I feel like I missed out.


  1. You're not along. I didn't drink with the kids in school - my first drink was after the senior prom. Didn't smoke, either. Didn't touch one illegal drug.

    Instead, I spent my time with the boyfriend du jour ;)

  2. Um. Yeah. The only two alcoholic beverages I've consumed have both come after peer pressure from my boyfriend's grandma. I'll be 21 this fall, though, so that will be remedied when my conscience is quieted.

    And I've never smoked.

    And you've even got me with the whole making out situation. Today is the second anniversary of my first kiss (and first groping, if you must know). Seriously.

    Late bloomer from a conservative town, right here!

  3. aw.
    it was nice to read this again.

    i didn't drink before i was 18.
    that's the legal age here.

    I totally remember that episode with Becky's friend.
    And the friend's bitchy mom who had a voice that sounded like concrete in a washing machine comes and yells at Roseanne.
    I also love the one where they find pot in David's toilet and then they're like, "Wait. We just yelled at David and it's OUR pot from 1980 or some crap."
    And then they smoke it and Jackie is in the bathtub and she's all, "Am I in the sink? Am I shrinking?"
    Whoa. I really watched too much Roseanne back in the day, clearly.

  5. I didn't drink that much in high school - only a couple beers here and there, and that was mostly junior and senior year. In college, this mostly went out the window.

    However, I was shocked when I saw a lot of people smoking cigarettes, although most of them were from out-of-state. I'm from Rhode Island and went to URI, and at least when I went to high school, only dirtbags smoked cigarettes.

    (Note: I'm 26, graduating in 2002 from HS, so I think I'm a bit younger than you anyway.)

  6. Same here. I was a disgustingly good child. I kind of relate to Niles, who feels cheated that he never rebelled as a teen and tries to engage in some risky behavior as an adult.

  7. I was such a good girl. Never smoked or drank and still haven't. But, I loved Roseanne so much and still do.

  8. I'm still waiting for my rebellious stage to kick in - maybe by the time I'm 50.
    Actually, I'm with the others who never smoked or did drugs, and never plan to. (I didn't drink until college either.)
    I loved that Roseanne episode. Those kids were great actors.

  9. I had lots of arguments with my mum which seemed to be the extent of my rebelling because I never got REALLY drunk when I was still at school and I never smoked because I decided I didn't want to be like everyone else.
    Strangely enough I did go through a stage at college where I actually wanted to take up smoking but this was very short lived.

  10. I didn't drink or smoke in high school. Or even Uni really. Even when all my nerdy friends started doing it.

    I didn't do it because I like to be different. If everyone else is doing it, then I won't be.

  11. I remember once in high school, I went out with a cousin and he got me sh*t face stoned, my first time. Went back to his house where my mom looked at me, talked with my aunt, and decided we all have to do it once. Didn't do it much during high school after that, but we won't talk about college ;o)

  12. I only drank once in high school and I think my mom suspected it, but since I was so sick from it, she figured that was punishment enough. I hated smoking until I went through a late rebellious phase at 19 and decided I would smoke because I was tired of being seen as a goody-goody. lol. I was definitely a late bloomer when it came to boys though! Coming from a small town with a cop as a father, well, I think you can see why.

  13. So you were a smidge late with the rebel stuff. Big deal. I was a big zero in that area. Though I did own a bomber jacket. I looked like a dark haired Ricky Schroeder. As far as Roseanne and Dan scrimping and surviving with no money – remember they did open a loose meat shop with Jackie, and Sandra Bernhard.

  14. I'm in the club, too. No regrets.

  15. Man I must have been a bad kid! I did it all...drinking, smoking, changing my hair constantly to a wide array of interesting colors. My poor parents...must go apologize to them now...

  16. Hah! Staying up late at night and watching TV is what I love!
    Enjoy it, and keep us updated!.
    I never really watched Roseanne.

  17. Nice hair and the original Becky was smoking hot.

  18. Ha ha. I tried to fit in with most all the groups in HS, but I mostly failed at them all. Nerd me didn't even fit in with the nerds! Oh well, success is the best revenge, so I'm working at that. One day I'll rule them all muaaahahahaha...

    On a side note, I went to see a live taping of the Rosanne show which was very cool.

    Thanks again for your daily posts. I read them all. I don't always comment (because I'm older and more decrepit and can't relate to them all in the same ways) but I do enjoy!

  19. Total nerd! Haha kidding! There is nothing wrong with being a 'good girl'!

  20. I got drunk and tried smoking only once during my senior class trip. My classmates seemed to think it was funny. I wish that I hadn't done either. I was a nerd then and still feel like one now.

  21. I started smoking and drinking with the cool crowd at age 16, but it wasn't hardcore or anything. I'm talking Strawberry Hill (Eww), Maddog 20/20 (Eww), or Bacardi Breezers. I guess I had enough of it back then because I don't drink alcohol at all anymore. And the smoking thing was just a phase. Why on earth did I think that was ever cool?

  22. i was a pretty unrebelious teenager so you're not alone. and what is it about must see tv from the 80s & 90s that is so damn comforting? i'm all about friends re-runs to help me when im feeling bummed.

  23. I smoked for like three months in 10th grade. It was just a peer pressure thing....dumb, really. I couldn't even inhale because it made me dizzy.

    You feel like a late bloomer? How's this one.....I'll be 47 this year, and I've never even tried pot. EVER. No point in going there now. I need the brain cells I have left since I'm facing the downhill side of the hill.

  24. You were not a late bloomer, honey! You bloomed just fine! I was a nerd then. I am probably a nerd now. Now Bossy Betty sez: Go to bed tonight at a decent time and stop watching those late night shows. Don't make me come over there. If I do, I'm going to make you go on a walk with me!

  25. I had that haircut!

    You didn't miss out on anything. I did all the rebellious stuff and I wish I hadn't. I was trying to be someone I wasn't.

  26. Well...I was a teen in the early 80's. The legal drinking age was 18. I was one of 7, a clan of wild Irish kids. I had 3 older brothers and yes, I had probably more than a few underage cocktails. One of the first concoctions I ever had was a slurpee mixed with JD. Gross! And even though I was a bit of a teenage partier, I have never smoked a cigarette, ever.

    I look back at those movies now and realize how crazy they are with all the wild-ass party scenes. I mean, Sixteen Candles with Long Duk Dong getting trashed and Farmer Ted driving the Rolls drunk and underage. Amazing stuff, there. I'd kill my kids if they even did an 1/8 of that stuff!

  27. My head was buzzed too! Only it was up the back. Took FOREVER to grow out and it was SO awkward while it was in the process.

    I was one of the smokey/drinky kids. Not something I'm proud of. At least I turned out to be a relatively normal adult.

  28. I felt the same way about Kiefer Sutherland until he played Jack Bauer on 24. He always played the bad guy so I know what you mean about Mark Ruffalo. I just love 13 going on 30 for obvious reasons.

  29. Galaxy Glue...Galaxy Glue...What would you do without Galaxy Glue...

  30. OMG. This is getting scary. We had the EXACT SAME HAIRCUT. I actually knew a couple of creepy punk rocker kids in high school, and they offered to shave half my head, so I let them. My dad wouldn't speak to me for a month!

  31. I was a nerd too :) I've still never done drugs or even tried a cigarette.

    As for alcohol ... um ...

  32. Me and alcohol had a long standing relationship, every friday night from grades 8-12, and occasionally a cigarette or two would join the party... never ever did any hard drugs though.

  33. Okay, hello! I found you because you found me, yesterday to be exact!

    So, about this abstention you're referring to in this post... I was a model, prototypical kid, all things considered. I think you and I are roughly the same age...

    I remember my first exposure to drugs and smokes and booze and such was just observing my popular peers engaging in these while I looked on, quizzically wondering why I wasn't interested in the stuff. Then there's the snogging... I never even got kissed until I was 17. My first real relationship was when I was 21, and I didn't even imbibe in booze when I turned 21 because I saw so many others acting like dolts on the stuff.

    So... late bloomer here, too.

    Anyhoo, hello! And pleased to meet you! I love the way you see the world!

  34. P.S. I was laughing out loud at your profile quote about pirates and poop decks. Could it be we have similar funny bones? Your posts and such make me giggle. Thank you for the giggles. I need 'em...


  35. Ahhh....I loved Roseanne so much.

    I only drank a couple times in high school and never smoked ciggies.

    Pot on the other hand? Whew...too much of that.

  36. Rosanne at her best.

    I invented Binge drinking in 1968. Age 14.. Way too much , way to early...stopped after college and rarely a drink at all now. Brings on Gosh-awful Migraines!

    Got Wino's to buy it for us and we would buy them their wine for doing it!

    That bums me out!


  37. I was relatively good in high school. I didn't get bad until college.

  38. I plead the 5th too, lol. Man, your blog jogs a lot of memories for me! I still love watching reruns of Roseanne. Classic.
