Saturday, December 14, 2013

Clap on! Clap off! The Clapper!

Turn your lights on and off 
by clapping your hands!

From the cordless phone to The Clapper, the 1980's brought about so many great technical advancements. Something I had always wanted was The Clapper. With The Clapper, you could turn lamps in your home on and off with a simple clap of your hands. How cool is that? My folks never did purchase us The Clapper, but now as an adult, I'm getting myself something even cooler ...

Today we're having automation installed from our local cable company allowing us to control our lights and thermostat using our cell phones. Now we can turn our lights on and off anytime, anywhere. Like we really need this luxury? 

What kid from the 1980's doesn't remember these commercials for The Clapper? Clap on! Clap off! Clap on! Clap off! The Clapper!


  1. I always wanted one of these too, not sure why though! I guess the sheer novelty of being able to turn lamps and TV on and off just by clapping was, well, a novelty to me! :)

  2. My brothers and I used to always laugh at the commercial, especially towards the end where the old lady does some kind of "impatient" clap-clap to turn off the lights in her room so she can go to bed.

  3. My brothers and I used to laugh at that commercial all the time, especially at the old lady who would do that "impatient" clap-clap to turn off the lights in her room so she could go to bed.

    As prevalent as those commercials were, I never really knew anyone who owned one of those things.

  4. If I'm ever someplace where we're looking for a light, I'll always clap as a joke. I guess you have to be pretty old to understand now though.
