Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Living Room Blanket Forts

I miss blanket forts.

Tonight I came up with a great idea for a unique Saturday night date with my husband. I told him I'd like us to build a blanket fort in the living room. We could snuggle up and watch a movie inside. We could pretend we're having a sleepover. Nestled in our cozy blanket fort, we could drink icy cold Cokes and feast on Doritos and Hostess like we did when we were 9. Back then diets didn't exist.  

I asked if he remembered blanket forts. He did. I asked if he liked my idea, he replied, "What the heck do I want to do that for? The tile floor will hurt my knees." I'm bummed he didn't like my idea. I even suggested that we lay a thick comforter on the floor. No go. 

I miss blanket forts. As a kid, I loved using sheets, blankets, comforters and pillows to create an amazing fortress. I'd drag my favorite dolls and books inside. There was a time when I felt so safe under the roof of a homemade living room fort. It was heaven. It was all mine. One day, I will revisit the blanket fort. I simply refuse to abandon the idea.

Did you build forts out of blankets and sheets as a kid?


  1.!! I LOVED making blanket forts! Just this weekend my oldest son was at a camp and my youngest son was home with a cold. He ripped ALL the sheets off his bed and put the foot rests up on our reclining sofas and made himself (and our dog and cat) a HUGE fort. Then he piled up pillows on the other end to support everything. He made such a big mess, but I enjoyed watching him play in his fort for hours. Made for a happy stroll down memory lane for me. So sorry your husband wouldn't get on board with your idea. Blanket forts are AWESOME! :)

  2. Oh I love blanket forts, so hard to do when you get bigger but now I kinda want to make one.

  3. I loved blanket forts and I love that you wrote about them so I could remember them. Great memories!

  4. Blanket forts are so much fun! I used to make them for my little sister when we were kids. She would stay in there for hours and leave me alone, haha! Now I make them for the girls I nanny for, and they love them just as much as my sister and I did when we were kids. Nothing beats a huge blanket fort with tons of pillows to cuddle up on, yummy snacks, and a great book or movie. Your husband needs to be reminded of that! :)

  5. You brought back some good memories of times that my brother and I would do this in our furnished basement. We'd use a folding table sometimes. We also made a tent out of a sheet thrown over our swingset in the yard a few times. I think it's cool that you would want to make one now.

  6. Guess what I'm gonna do tonight? Blanket fort!! Thanks for making me remember how much I miss them

  7. Big fan of blanket forts. There was always something magical about them as a kid.

  8. Why WERE they so awesome? But they were!!! And it was so fun and I remember that we insisted on sleeping in them.

    My brother and I would have a stack of comic books, flashlights, and any candy we might have been able to procure and spend the night in childhood heaven!

    Lots of fun memories! Thanks!

  9. Hell yeah I made blanket forts!

    My friend did this with her husband a few years ago and then got upset because she didn't want to sleep all night in there (preferred her bed).

    I haven't got enough blankets to do this :(
    Mental note: get more blankets.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. We made blanket forts all the time! Have you heard of the NBC comedy Community? They just did an episode all about making blanket & pillow forts! I love being an adult who can indulge in kids games. I bet if you made one, he'd come inside!

  12. I am curetnly making artwork about "blanket forts" which in England we call Dens. Making art about it basically involves building dens in galleries, im enjoying it so much :)
    I have a blog about my work,

  13. Yes!! Oh my gosh, I totally forgot about these! I used to go to a friend's house, and, not only would we make living room blanket forts, but because their basement as well! There was so much stuff there, we made a fort that covered almost the entire basement! Fun times!
