Thursday, May 12, 2011

Yesteryear's Slang, Awesome. Today's Slang, Not So Much

I have to admit, it's crazy how many people search for old-school slang and hit upon my blog. I thought I was the only word weirdo who cared. We've covered '50s slang here '70s slang here, 80s slang here, '90s slang here and more slang here. Here are the latest overused slang terms you may or may not have incorporated into your daily conversation. Maybe you love 'em. Maybe you hate 'em. Feel free to add your own in the comment section. 

Epic - Meaning something great, terrific, awesome. "That new Band of Horses album is epic, man. Check it out!"

Not the actual dictionary meaning, mind you. Can someone tell me when the word "epic" became so popular and so overused? This word needs to just go away already. It's been around since about 2004 and once a word is used in commercials and films, you know it's just bad news. 

Epic fail - Meaning a massive disaster. "That date with Jimbo was an epic fail.  He picks his nose at the dinner table!"

To elaborate even more on the tedious use of the word epic, the phrase "epic fail" needs to hold hands with epic and jump off of an epic sized cliff together. Enough. 

Fail - Used by itself means somewhat of an epic fail, but not as much. Typically the word is used underneath an ironic or awkward photo or video. There are many FAIL websites, cake fails and more. The word just needs to retire to the rest home ...

Just sayin' - When one wants to vent or comment on something, yet kinda feels guilty doing so, they tend to end with "just sayin.'" For example, "Oh man, she dumped you? Hmm. That chick sucked anyway. Just sayin'." This term may have experienced increased usage after episodes of MTV's Jersey Shore. Snooki loves, just sayin'. This phrase is so retro, we were using it as kids. I must confess, I love sayin' it. Just sayin'.

At the end of the day also known via text as ATEOTD - This annoying slang phrase has been around forever. I can't really pinpoint when I first heard it, but I can assure you it was in the work place. "At the end of the day" was often used in the office by cheesy sales guys. "At the end of the day, we can be proud that we put together a quality ad campaign. No smoke and mirrors here."

I'm going to blame JWOWW of MTV's Jersey Shore for this overused term which should have stayed at the office. Overused, time to quit this one.

IDK - Text term for "I don't know." "IDK what movie I want to see, do you?"

IDK is mostly used by young folk. My cousins who also love to use the term KK instead of OK. Why? I don't get that one to be honest. I have never once found a reason to text someone IDK. Have you?


  1. We don't even get the double kk anymore. Just k. r u ok w/ that?

  2. Epic post! ;)

    I find myself saying WIN! and FAIL! way too much. Just sayin'.

  3. This post is epic. DANG, Shannon already said that.

    I agree though, slang used to be slang. Today it is lame.

    I do use epic sometimes, but never Win or Fail.

  4. I got hung up on how people search old-school and get to you. I should be so lucky! I blush when I see the terms that lead them to me. Guess they are shocked when they don't find a porn site. I even stopped used labels and they still show up. *cringe

  5. I have to say I like "epic fail," but not much else these days.

  6. lol, I use slang from every decade and love it.

    I also love your blog, which is why I added it to a spotlight hop over on this blog...


  7. I think I say "just sayin" a lot!

    I just found your blog through one of the Saturday blog hops! Have a great weekend. Can't wait to read more!

    Amanda @

  8. haha, this post is great. i tend to overuse the words "rad", "gnarly" & "dude" considering i'm a mother of a 3-year-old.
    but i'll be damned if it's not just the cutest thing ever when she calls our cat "dude".

  9. Thanks for the follow. Following you back! The driving "baby" says EPIC all the time. It's ok and all but sometimes it's too much. Just

  10. Now following from the Spotlight Saturday Blog Hop! Brought back some memories with some of those slangs!~Lisa
    Shake off my booty one shake at a time!

  11. I agree about "fail" needing to be retired. One idiot in my metalsmithing class keeps saying it over and over and it's so grating.

  12. Thanks for stopping by

    Following now with gfc.

    I must admit I am not hip on the slang and abbreviations for texting. Thanks for your help or should I say the 411;)

  13. Hi, I'm your newest follower from La Bella Vita. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    I think slang is so funny. It changes so often I can't even keep up anymore. I'm only 25 and some of the stuff teenagers say is so foreign to me that only can help me figure it out.

    I definitely overuse "at the end of the day" and I've noticed that Epic Fail is very popular in online forums.

  14. I haven't said it for years, but I typed, "just sayin" yesterday! Great post.

  15. Hi Ally,

    Thanks so much for stopping by and joining in my blog. Will be back to explore more...

  16. This was fun and informative, Ally. I'm glad I haven't used most of these phrases, mainly because I'm much more nerdy than cool. Just sayin'. (I kinda like that one too.)

    Thanks for your comment. I want to write like you - fun and free flowing. You make it seem so easy, so I'm extra flattered by your compliments.


  17. I do like the term 'epic' but I do try not to overuse Christmas in September is usually pretty epic.

  18. I've never liked 'at the end of the day', but I do find myself using the others pretty often. Funny how it doesn't seem like slang that will one day be outdated when you're using it :P

  19. lol, i have to ask my stepson what his texts mean at times...
    i just have no clue

  20. Phrase that needs to die a miserable death: "That's what I'm talkin' about!" Usually uttered by someone who wasn't even speaking when they see or hear something they like.

    I would add the words Canon, which drives me nuts and nom...ugh... XD The other I can't stand is IN MY OPINION. We know it's your opinion, just come out and say it! Don't be such a wimp man! XD
