Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Charlie Sheen - Ferris Bueller's Day Off Bad Boy

Oh the irony behind this unforgettable scene between Charlie Sheen and Jennifer Grey in John Hughes film 1986 classic, Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Searching for "Charlie Sheen in Ferris Bueller" images, I realize I'm obviously not the only blogger to point that out.

Jennifer Grey and Charlie Sheen first worked together in the I-hope-this-never-really-happens movie, Red Dawn. Red Dawn -- which by the way was the first PG-13 movie I had ever seen in 1984 -- is said to be the very first PG-13 movie ever released.

I was never never much of a Charlie Sheen fan. I never had an interest in manly-style movies like Platoon. Though I did insist on seeing Red Dawn because of my Tommy Howell obsession. What a cast Red Dawn had! Anyway, here's a little 1980s Charlie Sheen for ya, enjoy!

Watch Charlie Sheen in Ferris Bueller's Day Off.

Watch Charlie Sheen in the trailer for Red Dawn.


  1. I remember hearing somewhere that how he prepared for Ferris Bueller's day off's druggie look was stay awake for 2 days straight.....Suuuuuurrreee that's how he got that look! =P

    Melanie's Randomness

  2. My friend had a Tiger Beat crush on Charlie Sheen back in his Ferris Bueller days. I never understood it. - G

  3. I'd forgotten about him in Red Dawn...but definitely not in Ferris Bueller. Thanks for the clips!

  4. I had forgotten about his role on Ferris Bueller!

  5. I do remember him in Bueller but not Red Dawn. I never really had crushes on any of the major teen idols back then but looking back C. Thomas Howell, John Taylor and Matt Dillon might've been 3 that I went ga-ga over in the 80's.

  6. Both of those movies are classics in my eyes.

  7. Other than Ferris Bueller's Day Off, I think Mr. Sheen is usually the weakest link in any movie he's in. Especially so for Platoon. That movie had 6 or 7 nominations for awards, but Mr. Sheen was panned for his acting job.

  8. Ferris Bueller's Day Off is one of my favorite 80s movies and I had totally forgotten about his bad boy scene in that.
    I've never been a big fan of his either. Bad Boy. Bad Boy.

  9. I remember all those movies well. Oh Charlie, what has become of you? *sigh*

  10. Oh, I so forgot about Ferris Bueller! How fantastic.

  11. I never forgot that imitates art?

  12. I have to agree with the critics and most of the posters... I don't think he's ever been a very good actor. I think he got a bit of a free ride being Martin's son. his lines on 2 1/2 men always seem unemotional and forced. It is sad to be witnessing his self-inflicted public demise...

  13. I thought he was only high on a drug called Charlie Sheen. I had forgotten about this scene. Too funny.

  14. He's come full circle again to the Ferris Bueller character.
