Saturday, December 11, 2010

Hershey's WHATCHAMACALLIT Chocolate Candy Bar

Hershey's Whatchamacallit Candy Bar

There's a stationery store in Parsippany, New Jersey that is like a total time capsule. Stepping into this shop is like stepping into a small-town 1980s school supply/card store. Truth be told, the merchandise is dusty and straight out of the 1980s and '90s. The line, extending almost out the door, is strictly for cigarettes and lottery tickets -- they're known around town for selling an abundance of winning lottery tickets. It's the only reason people visit this old-school place.

I haven't bought a lottery ticket in a while and was feeling the itch to scratch. While standing on the endless line alongside other hopeful New Jersey Lottery junkies, I peered at the random Hershey chocolate candy bars on an old display stand. Next to KitKat and Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, I was surprised to see two Whatchamacallit bars. To be honest, I thought Hershey had stopped making them. 

I would have purchased the chocolate candy bar, but it was so dusty, I was afraid it may have been ten years old. I couldn't figure out the date on the package. Looking around, I noticed boxes of "Trapper Keeper Folders" and knew for sure everything was super dated. They sell Whatchamacallit on Amazon, so I guess it may still be available in grocery stores.

I went through a phase in my childhood, where I was obsessed with Whatchamacallits. I bought one nearly every day after school at the local candy store. That delicious crisp rice, peanut butter and caramel covered in delicious Hershey chocolate. Wowzers! I may need to pick one up later today just to experience 1984 all over again! Sadly, I read that due to the cost of cocoa butter, Hershey began replacing it with cheaper oil substitutes, which is why they can no longer call their candy bars "chocolate" bars. Bummer.

Sooo good!

Hershey Whatchamacallit Fast Facts

First introduced: 1978
Description from the Hershey's website: This Peanut-Flavor Crisp topped with a layer of caramel and dipped in chocolate has a name and a taste that's hard to forget!
Calories: 230
Fat: 110

Vintage 1980s Whatchamacallit Commercial


  1. I love those old-school stores. That commercial brought back cute memories. They still sell those around here.
    Happy holidays, Ally. I hope you get a winning lottery ticket. xo

  2. I loved Whatchamacallit's back in the day!

  3. Wonder why they never made a thingamajig. I'd buy one of those!

  4. I also loved whatchamacallit's - Maybe they could make DooHickey's. But for me - Reese's rocks - they are the undisputed best! IMHO :)

  5. Loved, loved loved that bar. I think the first time I tried it was in hershey park. BTW...made you blog of the day. :)

  6. Whatchamacallits were so good! They were my Dad's favorite and I remember him always sneaking one so my mom didn't know he'd had one

  7. there's a store like that in my parent's town too!! it's simultaniously awesome & spooky.
    ive never tried a whatchamacallit, but i do remember this animated commercial they did that looked like a comic strip & had a really annoying female vocalist singing "mmmm whatchamacallit". heh

  8. I remember those commercials. And my boys got like 6 of those trick or treating this year. I think they are kinda gross, but apparently, I am in the minority.

  9. This was my go-to candy bar as a child. Still love it. Yum.

  10. This is the commercial I remember:

    It was so New Wave.

  11. I didn't have these much when I was a kid. I also had no idea that they still made them. They were okay but I liked my Hersheys Special Dark the best.

  12. We have a "vintage" candy store by our house that has TONS of old candy. Not old, but old types...

    I love whatchamacallits....

  13. I am still obsessed with these! Every once in a while i find a store that still carries them but it has been a while. Now I am craving one.

  14. They sell those here still…I could pick up a case of them for you at Sam's Club if you wanted.

    You know, those Whatchamacallit things...

  15. Whatchamacallit bars are at Wawa and other gas stations...

  16. you can make them at home! ots easy i swear!

  17. Oh my God are you talking about the SDK market? or that store on Baldwin?

  18. i LOVE this bar!!!!
    I still get them, whenever I see them

  19. I have a pile of them. Got them in my Christmas stocking. There's one next to me waiting to be ingested now.

    You can get them at Old Navy for $1 a bar. They're hard to find and very expensive.
