Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Texas Instruments | Little Professor Calculator

Last week, we took a look back at Texas Instruments Speak & Spell ...  any of you 30-somethings remember the Texas Instruments Little Professor calculator?

First released in 1976, this adorable, yet bulky hand held calculator made learning math fun for kids in the the early 1980s.

Yet another cool learning toy I never owned.


  1. I did not have, nor did I ever see this calculator.
    Rest assured, if I had, I'd have whined and cried and bitched until they bought it for me. And by "bought it for me" I really mean, would have spanked my ass and sent me to my room with a "you're not gonna get that damn calculator."
    Just a little peak into my privileged childhood.

  2. You didn't have one?! You poor thing. I totally remember this.

  3. I HAD ONE OF THOSE! I thought I was the coolest kid on the block with that in my room. Totally forgot about it.

  4. My cousin had this toy...

  5. you did the professor!! I was just telling you about this in a comment. Him and speak and spell were my favorite toys at Grandmas!

  6. I don't think I remember this one.

  7. I don't remember this one, either. What I DO remember, however, is how HUGE calculators were when I first started using one. They got progressively everything else.

  8. Repressed... memory... flooding back!

    *cue wavy lines*

    Why can't I have a calculator like the other kids?

    An abacus was good enough for you grandfather it's good enough for you.

    *Exit wavy lines sequence*

  9. "Yet another cool learning toy I never owned" - I've often thought this too but not so much about the 'learning'.

    This guy looks very familiar to me but I never owned one.

  10. Following you back from

    Yes! We have one, too! Needed that smile today. Thanks!

  11. omg!!!!!!!!!!!!my oldest had one of these!.. my MIL use to peruse the thrift stores and found one that is similar to yours pictured...except the numbers were ginormous... I think we tossed that puppy awhile back.. she never used it...

  12. Nope, I'm too young to have had one of those bad boys. I wonder if I can get one on ebay. I would definitely be the cool kid in college.

    How come I haven't got any love from you in awhile? Do I smell funny?

  13. Of course I had one of those, Miss Ally! I was such a supernerdy kid, but in a good way. Loved any new gadget that came along.

  14. I'm pretty sure I had one of these. Or I spent so much time longing for one that it feels like I actually had it. Mommy Brain strikes again.

  15. I totally had this. Because it was educational. I missed out on the Easy Bake Oven and the Snoopy Snow Cone Machine. I wanted those so badly!

  16. Loved the Little Professor. I'm pretty sure I actually owned one. It had a cool math quiz game. Ok, cool might be a strong word, but it was a game about math.

  17. I had this guy...brings back memories!

  18. Oh yes, I had this little guy! I actually posted about him on my blog not too long ago. :)

  19. You make me so happy. I LOVED that guy!!!

  20. I remember this! I wanted one, but we weren't allowed to use calculators!

  21. To this day I can type "BOOBLESS" with my eyes closed.

  22. That's cool. I don't remember that either.

    It's great to have you join SITS, Welcome!

  23. BOOM! Just hit by lightning as that came back to me!

  24. we had one. my brother and i were so close in age that we shared everything.

  25. I did not own one either! I wonder what my life would have been like I had gotten one. I coulda' been somebody!!!!

  26. I've never seen one of those! It's incredibly cute though!

    The calculators I use now need to be a bit more advance than the little professor....

  27. It looks familiar but I never had it.

  28. Oh my gosh, I forgot all about this little guy -- love the flashback! I did have one of these!

  29. I think a friend of mine had one of those and I was frightened by it. It's still creepy looking.

  30. I think I finally got rid of mine a few years ago. Fun to see it again!

  31. Pretty sure my sister had this and it is probably in the basement somewhere waiting for my father to fix the wiring (damn 9-volt battery connectors, always breaking when you try to change the batteries!).

  32. I had one of those! He's cute, isn't he? Unfortunately he wasn't a very good teacher because I still stunk at math all through school LOL :)
