Friday, April 16, 2010

Celebrating 300 Followers With My Very First Video Blog!

Hi guys! I bought a webcam today to give this video blogging a test drive. I hate the other shortened term, so I'm going to call it "Video Blog"...

My husband says I may lose followers once they see how silly I am. If you watch the entire video, you'll see our kitty jumping onto the couch next to hubs. Man, video taping yourself is so awkward. You don't even know where to look.


  1. A real face and voice to go with it! (ummm, I won't be doing it, but sure admire your bravery) I didn't think it was at all silly.

  2. Yay face to face! A moving face too!

  3. Two things. I am happy you did this and so very proud of you. I know that sounded fucked up but I don't care. It was even better.than I expected it to be. I say that because I never thought you'd do one.

    And don't ask cause it ain't happening

  4. Hi Ally!! You look so great! Congrats on the 3 hunge... impressive indeed.

  5. woo hoo yay for videos! Im not going anywhere so tell your hubby to shut it!! hahaha JK!!

  6. Hey thanks for the shout out – Even if I was second fiddle to Ian. Kidding. Question: Why did we have to wait 'til you had 300 followers to be treated to such a cute post?

  7. Wow, thanks. I still feel weird. I'll probably delete this post in a few hours.

    @Jesse I'll send you an unlimited amount of video messages if you'd like. Wink, wink.

  8. Hey I finally got to hear your voice.... woooo! Cute that Andrew was on the couch behind you.

    At least you had on a cute top. I'm usually sitting here wearing my robe, haha.

  9. Oh you are totally adorable! I loved it! You are so much braver than I. There is no way I could ever do such a thing...I have a hard enough time getting in front of the camera little own video but don't erase it, you did good.

    Oh and YAY on 300!!

  10. Nicole, I recorded that earlier in the evening as soon as I came home with the web cam which I will probably never use again. Ha ha!

  11. Way to go, Ally! And congrats on 300+ - that's incredible! You've more guts than me to put yourself out there like that. I don't know if I'd so that... ok, maybe if I ever get 300+ followers... :)

  12. Brave woman! Great job though. It was awesome to see and hear you.

  13. Nice to see you :)

    I hate seeing or hearing myself recorded so even if I made a load of video blogs, I'd probably never post them.

    Congratulations on 300 followers (now 306!)

  14. I've thought of doing this before, but I get so nervous when I know I'm being taped, then my voice goes shrill, I turn red, and I giggle. A lot. Ack.

    Congratulations for reaching 300! And for putting up this video! I think we all like reminders that there are real, breathing people behind the blogs we read every day. :)

    Don't delete it! I thought it was great. :)

  15. That was so cool!!! Congratulations on 300 followers :-)

  16. So cool! You just like your photo in your header, which I assume was your 4'th grade photo.

  17. Having just put up a video of me on my blog I know how you feel. Mine is for a competition where views and ratings are taken into consideration so it was beneficial for me to use my blog, but as I didn't even have a photo up before that, it was scary!!!

    And quite horrible when people discussed on another blog (Fishys) whether they liked my Scottish accent or not!

    So well done girl cause it isn't easy and lets hope that people appreciate our bravery and feel that they know us a bit better!

    Rapunzel x

    See my video at...

  18. Nice! Your husband and cat were both happy for you too!! (OK, I think your cat was happier than your husband.)

  19. i agree with everyone!

    you are adorable!!!=) and brave!!! i can post videos of my children, but not of me.... yet.... maybe one day....

    congrats on the 300+ followers! they are here for a reason.... you are wonderful!

    i think you should NOT delete the video! =)

  20. The link is on the last line of the post - thank for popping over Ally!

    Rapunzel x

    ps Putting up a video works a treat cause I feel like I know who I'm talking to now!

  21. You did great! And I liked how your husband jumped in at the end. Congratulations on over 300 followers!

  22. Awesome! Congrats on having over 300 followers! I enjoy your blog very much and thank you for following mine! Can't wait to hear more from you!

  23. Congratulations on 300! I have only just barely hit 100, so I can dream. You should make the vlog a regular.

    You have a great blog. I am glad I found you.

  24. Congratulations on the milestone. I see you've already picked up another handful since this post. A video at 300, what will you do when you hit 500? I think you're going to have to go bigger. Light a pinata on fire with thermite or something like that.

  25. What a great personal touch Ally. It's why you're so popular. Not only is your blog lots of fun, but you're a very sweet, personable gal. I agree with Betty, too. Your cat looked a lot more thrilled than your hubby.

  26. Yeah the real you!! Super cool!

  27. I LOVED it!! And I love your hair!!! I used to have short hair, then I grow it, then I cut it!

    YAY for 300!!!!! You have 300 followers because you have an awesome BLOG!!

    Isn't a vlog hard? It really is. It seems so much easier when I think about it than actually doing it.

    I am working on an interview with my parents, and they are psyched, but I am waiting for them to get their acts together - they have to look good, you know - oh the vanity!

  28. Great video! WE WANT MORE! WE WANT MORE!

    There's no way I'm going to give up my secret identity.... Then how would I be able to continue to successfully fight crime? lol

    Congratulations on the 300 followers!

    And your husband seems very excited that you're making video.... lol

  29. Congrats on 300 followers (I just lost one... LOL!) and on being brave enough to do a wonderful v-log!!!
