Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I Loved Pippi Longstocking

A little background on who exactly Pippi is for my younger "followers" ...  

According to Wiki, Pippi Longstocking is a fictional character from a series of children's books by Swedish author Astrid Lindgren. Published between 1945-2000, the series has been translated into 50 different languages. Pippi was awesome. She lived with her monkey and a horse in this funky looking house in a small Swedish village.  The coolest part was she didn't have any parents or adults looking after her. I found this incredibly impressive as a little kid.

I know I must have been pretty small when I was lovin' Pippi because I remember watching it while sitting on the groovy orange rug in our living room of my family's first house in Oakdale, New York. We only lived there until about 1977. 

I absolutely loved Pippi with her shocking red pigtails and mismatched tights.She had the cutest, smartest pet monkey (Mr. Nilsson) who would sit right on her shoulder. I don't remember much about her aside from the fact that she got into lots of wild adventures with her little friends -- a brother and sister team from next door. I vaguely remember her having superior strength. I think I recall her in a boat or flying in a hot air balloon or something. She was very spunky and fun -- someone you'd want as your best friend if you were like 8 or 9. 

I've spent over an hour trying to find various episodes or snippets on YouTube, but many are in foreign languages or are dubbed with silly songs -- I hate that about YouTube. You think you've found something and it's just some idiot playing his music to a photo or a video with crappy music dubbed over exactly what you were searching for.


  1. I loved Pippi! I use to dress up and pretend that I was here on some sort of adventure. I would put wire in my pig tails to get them to stand up straight. I was also a huge fan of Annie.

  2. I loved Annie too! What was it about these crazy red haired girls who sang. We all wanted to be them :)

  3. AHHHHHHH! I flippin' loved Pippi Longstocking! I totally forgot about her until now. So funny!

  4. I loved Pippi as well! I watched a newer movie version in my third grade class all the time. Oh and I listen to the Annie soundtrack all the time in my car. I was obsessed with the movie when I was seven! I definitely wanted to be Annie.

  5. As best I can recall I had a teacher who read to us from the book(s)? She was poor AND happy and she provided great inspiration for me. Thanks for a great trip down memory lane, ally. these trips always make me a little sad. i have no idea why. i love pippi longstockings! i always thought in my mind she was cousins with wendy of hamburger fame.

  6. ooooh I loved Pipi and even dressed up like her for Halloween one year! She was a cool tomboy wayyyy before Punky did it

  7. @Mass- I forgot about her too until today!
    @Quixotic- There are remakes from the '80s, but I was too old for those.
    @Jen, thanks! I totally thought Wendy was her when I was small too!
    @Yes, totally pre-Punky!

  8. It's funny cause just a couple weeks ago I had this conversation with a Finnish friend of mine about Pippi Longstocking. She's only ever watched the Swedish version, but she also grew up on the books. It's really funny cause over there it's a character that everyone knows. Pretty much the complete opposite of here.

  9. I loved Pippi! I dressed like her for Halloween many times. I adored the movie as well.

  10. Gosh - I'd almost forgotten about Pippi, I used to love her!

    Kitty x

  11. I remember we did this in school when we were being taught to enjoy reading. Ah good old Pippi!

    Kate xx

  12. PiPi was one of my idols growing up. Between her, Punky Brewster, and Cyndi Lauper I'm surprised I know how to put a matching outfit together at all. (Not that I usually do)
    I wanted a pet monkey so bad when I was little that one April Fool's day my dad convinced me to sit out side with a $1 bill and wait for the Monkey Man but if the icecream man showed up first, I had to buy an ice pop b/c that meant the monkey man was out of monkeys for the day.
    That was the most disapointing Mickey Head Icecream bar I ever ate.

  13. I LOVED the cartoon when I was an early teen. It was newer but was the same deal :)

    I also loved Annie. Immensely.

  14. Being Swedish and all, I grew up with Pippi, Herr Nilsson (Mr. Nilsson), Tommy & Annika (the neighbours), Lilla Gubben (the horse), her pirate captain turned 'negro-king' dad and all the rest. Loved her antics and back in Sweden there is even a theme park where you can visit the exact house you posted in the picture. This brought back some cool memories! Thanks for sharing!


  15. I was a pretty good writer all through grade school, and one time I won a book for one of my stories. The book was by Astrid Lindbren. I wish that I still had the book.

  16. When I was in elementary school (5th grade in 1982, to be exact), someone on our local board of education had the bright idea to encourage "perfect" attendance by offering a movie once a quarter. If you had no absences, you were able to watch a movie while the other suckers had to go to study hall. This was a big deal, but sadly, the one quarter I missed a day of school, "Pippi Longstocking" was the movie of choice. I had read all of Astrid Lindgren's books, while most of the hillbilly kids I went to school with had never heard of Sweden, much less the character. Oh, you can imagine the depression as I could hear the film playing in the adjacent classroom. Now I've regained some of my lost childhood with this post. :-)

  17. I was just re-reading my post and realized that the autocorrect spelled "Astrid Lindgren" wrong. I decided to try and find the Pippi Longstocking movies online. I think that my son would enjoy watching them.
