Thursday, January 28, 2010

Note To My Followers & Those I Follow

I just want to apologize in advance -- I am leaving for Florida today and will be pretty much without access to the Internet (other than my BlackBerry) on a daily basis.  I will also be unable to comment on your posts. I programmed a few post but as much as I had wanted to schedule a lot more, I didn't get the chance. My freelance editor needed a story on the fly, so that kept me busy on the day I planned to blog ... Not complaining - I welcome work!

Anyway, I'll miss you guys and I'll totally miss blogging. I hope to get online a few times in the 10 days I'll be away to post a bit.


  1. Oooh going 'cold turkey' eh? Good luck with that!

    Sometimes missing things means you'll appreciate them even more.

    Have a good time, we'll miss you and look forward to your return.

    Rapunzel x

  2. I wish you a good and safe trip and look forward to your return :D


  3. How dare you! Er, I mean that's great getting work! Have a safe trip and plan on reading tons of posts when you return ;)

  4. Aww Ill miss you! Enjoy your trip!

  5. Ally -

    I'll miss your posts. I'm still off-line at home and won't be back up until possible NEXT Thursday (for a total of 14 days w/o internet access at home!) I've only been able to manage quick reads at work and no posts on my blog!

    Do enjoy your time in Florida - sounds like you'll be there for the Superbowl... although I imagine that you'll try to avoid that madness! :)


  6. You need and deserve the break, girlfriend. Enjoy yourself!

    If you're interested in personal finance stories, you're all welcome to come check out my blog in the meantime! =)

  7. Have a great trip! Man, I hope they're able to get internet access in Florida soon! lol

  8. I'll speak to you in a language that you'll now understand...

    meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow.

  9. Have a good trip!!!

    I am following thanks to Friday Follow!!! Sorry I am late/ or early!!!!

  10. Have LOTS of fun! My chicas and I are in talks right now about going to FLA for Spring Break. Can't wait to read your vaycay report!

  11. Have a great time! Can't wait to hear the stories when you get back ;)

  12. You're a winner! Go claim your awards! You're a great blogger!
